To Your Health
Bubbe's Picks
The Mitzvah
It was one of those mornings when the multitude of chores was overwhelming. There…
How to Read a Nutrition Label
Jan 10, 2025
A study published in Agricultural Economics reported that women who read nutrition labels weigh an average of…
Is Your Diet in Ship Shape?
Dec 08, 2024
Prison researchers found that inmates on death row regularly ordered very unhealthy last meals before their…
Nov 05, 2024
Cravings represent abnormal drives that have a compelling nature without regard for the benefit of the…
Heart Disease and Drinking Wine: The Downside of…
Sep 10, 2024
The belief that drinking wine helps protect against heart disease is wrong, according to The Globe magazine,…
Aug 30, 2024
By now, you may have come to realize that you need help to improve your health...Perhaps you have been trying…
Exercise 2
Aug 23, 2024
We were created for action. Exercise provides greater vitality, extra energy, and a longer life. Yet, for…
Exercise 1
Jul 28, 2024
We are a sedentary nation of couch potatoes addicted to computer games, TV, and spectator sports. We need…
Jul 12, 2024
Alcohol injures every cell it touches. It interferes with the enzyme system of cells, and is classed as a…
Berries as Disease Fighters
Jun 22, 2024
If you have (or are at risk for developing) diabetes, hypertension, cancer, or dementia, frequent consumption…
Fiber, Your Fabulous Friend
Jun 09, 2024
Dieting? How would you like to daily enjoy a variety of fresh fruits, plenty of colorful and tasty…
The Impact of Social Media on Our Brains and Mental…
May 10, 2024
Do you find yourself using social media until you close your eyes to rest at night, picking it up immediately…
Forks Over Knives Documentary May Save Your Life
Mar 24, 2024
Despite new advances in medical technology, and U.S. healthcare costs exceeding that of other countries,…
Fresh Air
Mar 03, 2024
Smog's Contribution to Illness You feel like someone's choking you! Your chest feels tight -- you may cough…
Feb 15, 2024
Balance has lost its true meaning. Modern society has become a society of excesses! We try to take something…
Jan 27, 2024
Today, as never before, "the pressure is on:" Pressure to beat out the other guy for the top spot. Pressure…
Other Sections
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near Jerusalem's Western Wall
In 2021 Israeli archaologists discovered an ornate 2,000 year old building.
A Woman Won by Love
I have a couple of young male friends who once made a science of flirting. They read…
Before the Death Camps: Hitler's Hidden Holocaust
Before the death camps there were the killing fields - mass graves of executed men,…
Parashat Chaye-Sarah
Parasha for the Week: Chaya Sarah Genesis 23:1 - 25:18. Haftarah for the Week: 1 Kings…
Sweet Potato Kugel
SWEET POTATO KUGEL(From No Cholesterol Passover Recipes, by Debra Wasserman)Serves 12.…
Keep Reading!
Enjoy the Archives!
Whole Megillah
Plantwise Trailer
What is the best and healthiest diet for the common lifestyle diseases afflicting Americans?
Fiber: Complex and Simple - Dr. Hans Diehl
What, exactly, is dietary fiber?
Eat More and Lose Weight
No, It's not a joke that you can eat more and lose weight!
Supplements to Lower Blood Pressure with Dr. David DeRose
Randy Alvarez, host of The Wellness Hour, interviews Dr. David DeRose.
Overcome Depression!
Are you currently depressed? Were you depressed in the past? Are your friends or relatives depressed? Some people can come out of…
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
A baffling, frustrating problem for doctors and patients alike, IBS affects as many as 20 percent of Americans, with women in the majority.
Top Sources of Vegan Protein
…Protein is an essential nutrient... But too much protein is associated with several diseases.
Health Benefits of Brown Rice
Rice is considered a staple in the diet of many, and a lot of people prefer white rice to brown rice, perhaps because that is what they are…
Hydrotherapy with David DeRose, MD
An ancient therapy, as far back as recorded time and beyond, without the need of a prescription or pharmaceuticals, can be utilized in the…
What is a Realistic Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet?
Rip Esselstyn tells you what his typical daily meal plan looks like.
The Best Form of Health Care
Benjamin Franklin said it best: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Charcoal Therapy
Many old-fashioned remedies are going out of fashion, not because they are ineffective, but because an art is required for their…
Olive Oil
Followers of the popular Mediterranean diet have known for years that eating fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and plenty of extra…
Sunlight has had some bad publicity recently. The impression has been given that even small amounts of sun are harmful. While it is true…
Quick Tips for Weight Loss
Eat Right, Live Well. Quick Tips for Weight Loss
Why Ginger is Wonderful
Ginger is a popular culinary flavor in everything from Indian and Asian cuisines to soda flavoring, but did you know that this knobby…
Globe Artichoke
Globe artichoke is Native to the Mediterranean region, and was prized as a delicacy and digestive aid by the ancient Greeks and Romans and…
Traveling Kosher Style
Observing the laws of Kashrut has been a very gratifying experience.
Beans Help Lower Cholesterol
Eat Right, Live Well. Beans Help Lower Cholesterol
Schedule a Healthy Lifestyle
1. Rise early and drink two 8 oz. glasses of water.
Tea Skin Care
Green tea, has a long and rich history.
Solve World Hunger by Eating Less Meat?
We know the earth’s human population is booming. Already numbering over seven billion people, studies project we’ll reach nine billion by…
How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain
One of the most important and least understood organs of the human body is the brain.
The Facts The human body must have oxygen; each of its 100 trillion cells must receive steady, fresh supplies to survive. Every day, you…
Who Knew Prune Danish Makes a Healthy Dessert
Eat Right, Eat Well. Who Knew? Prune Danish Makes a Healthy Dessert
Preventing Cognitive Decline
Many people hit the gym or pound the pavement to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, to get fit, but working out…
Germinating Seeds: Tips to Get Started
Seeds, to be completely frank, can be finicky things to deal with.
The Healing Powers of Honey
Raw honey—which has not been pasteurized or filtered, and ideally taken directly from the hive—is a treasure chest of nutritional value and…
Wake Up and Glow
I spoke to Susie Galvez, a beauty expert who has developed energizing treatments for dozens of spas. She offered these all-natural tips…
Which is Better?
There has been some debate among parents regarding whether breastfeeding or using a formula is best.
Massage Therapy
Ancient Western and Eastern civilizations dating back as far as 3000 years discovered that massage and touch therapy have many health…
Surprising Ways You Can Use a Banana
The delicious sweet creamy banana is not only good for our health; it's also used in alternative medicine.
The pomegranate is an interesting fruit known for its many seeds and vivid blood red color.
Fight the Virus
'Fight the Virus' by Alvin Oon is a remake of Simon & Garfunkel's classic song 'Sound of Silence'. This song shares information about the…
7 Mental Health Tips While Social Distancing
Your compliance with being socially distant (being at least six feet from others) and confining yourself to home is, to date, helping North…
The Best Corona Virus Prevention
This video contains everything you need to know about Coronavirus, with practical ways to avoid getting it (much more than just washing…
Transforming Your Life
Whether you exercise to lose weight, to reach a fitness goal, or dare we say it just for fun, exercise changes you.
Creating Solid Perfume
Did you know that tons of perfumes contain nasty animal ingredients, such as whale barf (ambergris) and animal gland juice (civet and…
Shocking Environmental Facts
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the momentous issues facing our environment today.
How to Protect Yourself From the Sun Without Chemicals
With the weather getting warmer it feels good to soak up the sun, but it’s time to think about the effects it can have on our skin.
Vegetables You Can Grow All Year Long!
Most vegetables that we buy in the supermarket, and farmers markets are annuals or, at least, they are grown that way. Annual vegetables…
Nature Inspired Hair Care
According to the EPA, there are over 10,000 products in your conventional hair products, and only 11 percent of these products have been…
The Chia Seed
The Chia Seed has the highest and safest combination of Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and phytonutrients of any source on the…
10 Dangerous & Toxic Chemicals In Everyday Health Care…
Until recently, most of us thought that our personal care product are safe to use because everything was regulated by the Food and Drug…
5 Gardening Practices You Should Never Ignore
With a few gardening techniques we can save ourselves a lot of time, energy and frustration. So, these practices are not worth forgetting.
9 Things to do With Olive Oil
Olive oil has stood the test of time and is a basic component to the kitchen pantry.
Making Safe Non-Toxic Liquid Hand Soap
Among the personal care products that you should never buy again is the antibacterial hand soap due to its toxic ingredients, including…
Mental Health Awareness
One of the stigmas society perpetuates is the supposed “shame” of struggling with mental health.
Sleep, Schedules and Sanity
We live in a busy world. In fact, business has become such a part of our lives that we oftentimes view business as productivity.
10 Home Cleaning Products with 5 Green Ingredients
When it comes to cleaning make your own all-natural potions and powders rather than buying toxic chemical based products at the super…
37 Chemical Free Ways to Clean with Apple Cider Vinegar
Salad dressing, step aside. Apple cider vinegar may liven up your lettuce, but did you know that it’s also a miracle liquid, especially…
Why Nuts
Why nuts? The real question should be: why NOT nuts? If you want to live longer, then join those who eat nuts—lots of nuts!
Less Time Sitting
Many people believe they must engage in strenuous physical activity to achieve optimal fitness and prevent illness.
8 Things to do With Olive Oil Beyond Eating It
Olive oil has stood the test of time and is a basic component to the kitchen pantry.
Ginseng has been treasured for centuries in Asia for its health benefits, and it should be.
8 Plants Good for Healing Bumps, Bruises and Cuts
For those who are concerned about chemical and synthetic ingredients, there are all natural alternatives.
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day?
Why is oatmeal so good for us?
How to Make Your Own Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Commercial fruit and vegetable washes fail to work better than tap water, but there is a cheap do-it-yourself solution that may completely…
Keep Moving
Muscles: The body calls on glucose, sugar the body has stored away from the foods we eat in the form of glycogen, for the energy required…
Protecting and Preserving Wood Naturally
When wood is unprotected and exposed to water it has the tendency to stain, warp, and rot. For those of us trying to maintain a valued…
The Forgotten Muscles
Abs, thighs and hips are at the forefront of most people's training goals.
8 Interesting Things You Can Do With Coconut Oil
You probably have a jar of unrefined, extra-virgin coconut oil in your kitchen; I know I do.
Fruit Tart
Here's a very healthy breakfast or sweet treat any time of day.
The American Dietetic Association has finally conceded—a vegetarian diet can supply all the necessary dietary ingredients to maintain…
Why You Should Love Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a common part of life for many people. We put them in sandwiches, salads, salsa, ketchup. Although it is technically a fruit…
Is Protein From Meat Superior? Science Settles the Debate
No matter what you eat, ensuring that you’re getting enough protein is one of the biggest concerns that many of us have. Not only is it…
Strong Bones
Osteoporosis is a condition known for weak bones in older woman, and while you may think you don’t have to worry about osteoporosis when…
5 Wonderful Treatments with Used Coffed Grounds
You may drink coffee for the eye-opening caffeine, the rich aroma, or the comforting warmth. But don’t toss out those old grounds when your…
Empty Calories
If you want to lose weight, beware of empty calories.
Benefits of Using Organic & Natural Skincare
Looking for makeup and skincare: natural, organic, chemical-free, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly.
Lowering Stress the Healthy Way
Stress is fairly common in this day and age, but it doesn’t have to be a constant in our lives. In our modern day world, with so much…
Grandma's Natural Remedies
Baking Soda Makes for Whiter Teeth: Teeth begin to lack a little luster after a while. Everyone's Grandma seems to have interesting and…
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
You know that exercise is good for you, but do you know how good?
This is What Happens to Your Brain and Body When You Check…
Staring at screens right before sleep turns out to be a lot worse than previously thought.
Loma Linda University Researchers Find Links Between Beal…
Researchers have found that timing and frequency of meals play an important role in predicting weight gain or loss.
Exercising can be hard to commit to because other things may seem like so much more fun. But this doesn’t have to be the case. You can find…
A General Letter on Arthritis
A simple nutritional suggestion helps many people with arthritis. It is to leave out all the nightshade foods in the diet.
Tips for Eating Out
Eating out can quickly throw a monkey wrench in your health plan. But don’t despair. With a little planning ahead, you can be a defensive…
Drink Milk Udder Propaganda
It takes 21.2 lbs of milk to make 1 lb of butter.It takes 10 lbs of milk to make 1 lb of hard cheese.It takes 12 lbs of milk to make 1 lb…
Death by Diet
"No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means."- Maimonides
Not So Good for the Soul
Long before I became the Notmilkman, a favorite restaurant was Sylvia's on Malcolm X Boulevard in Harlem. Fast forward to 2016. I still…
Asparagus is an interesting vegetable. I am not sure how I would describe the flavor or what I would compare it to, it is just one of these…
Healthy Meal Ideas
Making healthy eating choices is not easy. Often, we eat the wrong food, in the wrong quantity, at the wrong time. One of the main issues…
Healthy vs Unhealthy Dips
"I think it's very expensive to not eat healthy. Eating healthy is the only affordable option we have left."- Marcus Samuelsson
Not So Sweet
You have probably heard these sayings: “Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” “A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.” “A man cannot…
Is Fat Free Making You Fat?
When the fat-free craze began back in the ’80s, I believe it was my sister the marathoner (though she hadn’t started running yet) who…
Go Nuts for Your Health
As a kid, nuts were a luxury in our home, and we only had them on special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas because nuts were…
Nephritis or glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys and may be discovered by finding protein in the urine, swelling of the…
Water Water
Our bodies are more than 50% water. It is not surprising that water holds a priority place in our bodily needs. In health and sickness,…
The Iron Balancing Act: Vegetarians May Have the Edge
Can vegetarians possibly get enough iron? The most recent information from the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB)--which establishes nutrient…
Effects of Dieting Styles Finds that Some Popular Choices…
(NaturalNews) Recent research has scientists concerned that popular dietary recommendations for weight loss may be placing individuals at…
Once Kosher, Now Obeying a Higher Standard
"If you keep kosher, the protagonist of your meal is not you; it is God." - Lauren F. Winner, Professor of Christian Spirituality, Duke…
Reducing Chronic Disease
Thirty-five years ago, I had the privilege of attending Loma Linda University School of Health to complete my doctoral studies in…
Enjoy the Surprisingly Sweet Health Benefits of Pure Maple…
A recent study found over 20 compounds in pure maple syrup that support health, 13 of which are first-time discoveries. Several of these…
Heal Thy Heartburn
Can You Feel the Burn? Do You Want it to Stop? Acid reflux is an unpleasant condition that affects many people. It is caused by an easily…
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure• Eliminate saturated fats, shortening, margarine & refined vegetable oils. • Eliminate all foods containing…
Soy Industry Says "Soy Vey" to Being Critical of Beans
"Once in a golden hour, I cast to earth a seed.Up there came a flower, The people said, a weed."- Alfred Lord Tennyson European Food Safety…
The New Spinach Diet Decreases Food Binging
"It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet."― Margaret Mead Spinach as weight loss? Has Olive Oyl secretly become a…
The ABC's of Vegetarian Nutrition
For those of us thinking of moving to a plant-based diet, many questions about nutrition and health can come up. Is it really possible to…
Help for Acne
During the period of most active growth, the oil glands of the skin go through an extended period of development, along with other glands…
A Healthy Start, A Better Future
Parents are hard-wired to protect their kids from physical harm. But are you protecting yours from disease? Feed your kids healthy foods…
Eczema• Consume a whole-foods diet, rich in fibre, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and their juices. • Include essential fatty acids daily.…
The Kidneys Part 2
OTHER FACTORSBecause people lose fluid through sweating in hot weather, kidney stones are more common during summer. In winter, sitting in…
The Kidneys Part 1
The kidney is a masterpiece of beauty and function. Often I have held a human kidney in my hands, admiring its rich color, the intricacies…
Preventing Bone Loss
"Given the serious public health burden of fractures associated with osteoporosis, it is important to learn as much as possible about ways…
The Milk Myth
Do all children need cow's milk to grow strong bones and teeth? Is cow's milk good for everyone? Problems from milk drinking involve iron…
Foods that Fight Osteoarthritis
Unlike other forms of forms of arthritis, your risk of developing osteoarthritis is largely related to lifestyle factors like diet, weight,…
CLEANSING: Cleansing is the first step to health and wellness. Cleansing re-balances the body and prepares it for proper food absorption.…
Concentrated Calories
A study from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) finds that American waistlines are still involved in a rapidly expanding movement, not…
Four Ways to Improve Your Mood By Food
Do you wake up on an installment plan? Do you really not surface until you have another coffee break? Are you out-of-sorts? Downright…
Courting the Obesity Epidemic
In 2014, the average American soda drinker will consume 44.5 gallons of carbonated beverages. Twenty percent of those sodas will be…
Cholesterol Reduction
Refined Foods Heart and blood vessel disease, such as angina and hypertension, and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia,…
Diet Diabetes and Health
The body is fueled primarily by glucose-a simple sugar. In people with diabetes glucose cannot enter the cells as needed. In type 1…
Ways to Lower Cholesterol - Why a Diet Low in Fat and…
Heart and blood vessel disease, such as angina and hypertension; and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia; and many other…
Anemia is of three different types. The first is a nutritional deficiency, usually either of iron or protein. Sometimes other nutrients…
Question:I am 57 and have had three heart attacks in the past five years. Now I have angina when I walk up the two short flights of stairs…
Most Popular
Germinating Seeds: Tips to Get Started
Seeds, to be completely frank, can be finicky things to deal with.
Shocking Environmental Facts
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the momentous issues facing our environment today.
How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain
One of the most important and least understood organs of the human body is the brain.
Sleep, Schedules and Sanity
We live in a busy world. In fact, business has become such a part of our lives that we oftentimes view business as productivity.
Less Time Sitting
Many people believe they must engage in strenuous physical activity to achieve optimal fitness and prevent illness.
Wake Up and Glow
I spoke to Susie Galvez, a beauty expert who has developed energizing treatments for dozens of spas. She offered these all-natural tips…
Massage Therapy
Ancient Western and Eastern civilizations dating back as far as 3000 years discovered that massage and touch therapy have many health…
Preventing Cognitive Decline
Many people hit the gym or pound the pavement to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, to get fit, but working out…
The pomegranate is an interesting fruit known for its many seeds and vivid blood red color.
Vegetables You Can Grow All Year Long!
Most vegetables that we buy in the supermarket, and farmers markets are annuals or, at least, they are grown that way. Annual vegetables…
The Healing Powers of Honey
Raw honey—which has not been pasteurized or filtered, and ideally taken directly from the hive—is a treasure chest of nutritional value and…
Keep Moving
Muscles: The body calls on glucose, sugar the body has stored away from the foods we eat in the form of glycogen, for the energy required…
9 Things to do With Olive Oil
Olive oil has stood the test of time and is a basic component to the kitchen pantry.
How to Make Your Own Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Commercial fruit and vegetable washes fail to work better than tap water, but there is a cheap do-it-yourself solution that may completely…
Nature Inspired Hair Care
According to the EPA, there are over 10,000 products in your conventional hair products, and only 11 percent of these products have been…
10 Home Cleaning Products with 5 Green Ingredients
When it comes to cleaning make your own all-natural potions and powders rather than buying toxic chemical based products at the super…
5 Gardening Practices You Should Never Ignore
With a few gardening techniques we can save ourselves a lot of time, energy and frustration. So, these practices are not worth forgetting.
Making Safe Non-Toxic Liquid Hand Soap
Among the personal care products that you should never buy again is the antibacterial hand soap due to its toxic ingredients, including…
Ginseng has been treasured for centuries in Asia for its health benefits, and it should be.
The Chia Seed
The Chia Seed has the highest and safest combination of Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber and phytonutrients of any source on the…
8 Things to do With Olive Oil Beyond Eating It
Olive oil has stood the test of time and is a basic component to the kitchen pantry.
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day?
Why is oatmeal so good for us?
Is Protein From Meat Superior? Science Settles the Debate
No matter what you eat, ensuring that you’re getting enough protein is one of the biggest concerns that many of us have. Not only is it…
8 Interesting Things You Can Do With Coconut Oil
You probably have a jar of unrefined, extra-virgin coconut oil in your kitchen; I know I do.
5 Wonderful Treatments with Used Coffed Grounds
You may drink coffee for the eye-opening caffeine, the rich aroma, or the comforting warmth. But don’t toss out those old grounds when your…
Empty Calories
If you want to lose weight, beware of empty calories.
Benefits of Using Organic & Natural Skincare
Looking for makeup and skincare: natural, organic, chemical-free, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly.
Surprising Ways You Can Use a Banana
The delicious sweet creamy banana is not only good for our health; it's also used in alternative medicine.
10 Dangerous & Toxic Chemicals In Everyday Health Care…
Until recently, most of us thought that our personal care product are safe to use because everything was regulated by the Food and Drug…
Fruit Tart
Here's a very healthy breakfast or sweet treat any time of day.