

• Consume a whole-foods diet, rich in fibre, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and their juices.

• Include essential fatty acids daily. Good sources are flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and wheat germ oil. Do not heat these oils!


• Eat pumpkin and sunflower seeds daily, as these are excellent sources of zinc which encourages the proper metabolism of essential fatty acids.

• Mangos and apricots are good healing fruits for skin problems as they are rich in beta-carotenes, as are carrots, yams, spinach, and blueberries.

• Drink a glass of clean water every two waking hours to flush out toxins and to encourage skin health.

• Avoid constipation by consuming fibre[fiber] rich foods such as whole grains, leafy green vegetables, beans, and apples. For additional recommendations for constipation, see 'Constipation'.

• Eliminate all additives from your diet, as they contribute to a toxic internal environment that can manifest in the skin.

• Do not eat saturated fat or solid fats, such as shortening or margarine, as they interfere with the metabolism of essential fatty acids.

• Stay away from inflammatory foods, especially sugar, spicy foods, dairy, caffeine and alcohol.

• In cases of chronic eczema for adults, undertake a 3-day juice fast once a month to sweep away toxic build-up.

• Manage stress and obtain adequate rest, as eczema can be intensified by emotional stress and fatigue.

• Consume blackstrap molasses on a daily basis, as this has been shown to have therapeutic results for eczema.

• Cucumber juice used internally and externally is especially advised for the treatment of skin diseases; it possesses acknowledged cosmetic properties. Apply to the face or other are, leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with soft water.

• Determine if any food allergies exist, and eliminate those foods which are the most common offenders: cow's milk, wheat gluten, cheese, peanuts, rye, oats, and barley.

• Other skin irritants include: bubble bath, nickel jewellery, fake fingernails, antiperspirants, dyed toilet tissue, laundry soap, and hand soap.

• Exercise in the fresh air is very important. Try to take a daily walk first thing in the morning, and allow the sunlight on your skin as this promotes healing. Be careful not to let your skin burn.

Originally found here

Image originally found here

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