Simple Vegan Noodle Kugel

Simple Vegan Noodle Kugel

1 12-oz package wide vegan noodles
1 15-oz package soft or silken tofu
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup (more or less) raisins

3-4 apples, cut into small cubes
1/4 cup applesauce
cinnamon to taste and for dusting
cardamom powder to taste
ginger powder to taste
vanilla to taste

•         Cook noodles according to package directions and drain.
•         Using an electric mixer or blender, cream the tofu with the vegan sugar, vanilla, and spices until smooth.
•         In a large bowl, mix all of the ingredients together until everything is well coated with the tofu batter.
•         Pour everything into a lasagne pan or other pan with high sides.
•         Bake at 425 degrees (F) for about 25 minutes or until the top is pretty dry and nicely browned.
•         Enjoy!!

Serves: 4-6+

Originally found here

Image originally found here

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