Drasha Genesis 40 & 41 Joseph - From the Pit to the… Aug 29, 2024 Barbara Rabbi Jeff expounds on Genesis 40 & 41, telling how Joseph went from being a…
Parasha Parashat Shoftim 2018 Aug 14, 2018 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Shoftim Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9Haftara for the Week:…
Tikun Olam Nano-Dropts Bring Simple Eye Fix Into View Nov 15, 2018 S.A. TV Nano eyedrops might be an alternative to eyeglasses, contact lenses and laser…
Recipes Strawberry Tofu Yogurt Aug 24, 2015 Barbara 1/3 cup raw cashews1 cup frozen unsweetened strawberries, thawed and drained½…
Drasha Depressed People of the Bible. Frontal Lobe… Apr 07, 2022 Shalom Adventure Depressed People of the Bible. Frontal Lobe and Powerful Promises.Sermon by…
Traditions Western Wall Nov 18, 2019 Jeff Zaremsky The Western Wall is the western portion of the retaining wall of the Temple…
Tisha B’Av 5772 Tisha B’Av is a day of many mournful prayers throughout Jerusalem and all of Israel. Tisha B’Av 5772
Shavuot - A Festival of First Fruits Shavout, the Feast of Weeks, is celebrated seven weeks after Passover to commemorate the first… Shavuot - A Festival of First Fruits
Technion Rube Goldberg Machine for Chanukah Students from the Technion Instutute in Israel built a Rube Goldberg machine to light their… Technion Rube Goldberg Machine for Chanukah
Tuvia Tenenbom: What Do Americans Really Think of Israel? This video encapsulates meaningful dialogue on Tuvia Tenebom’s book, What do Americans Really… Tuvia Tenenbom: What Do Americans Really Think of Israel?
Maoz Tzur - Oh Mighty Stronghold If you want some more music to keep you in the holiday spirit, you might enjoy this music video… Maoz Tzur - Oh Mighty Stronghold
Why in the World do we Celebrate Tu B'Shvat Googling Tu B'shvat brings up millions of results for searches on the Jewish holiday Tu B'shvat… Why in the World do we Celebrate Tu B'Shvat
Hanukkah Song Mashup - Dance Spectacular! - Elliot Dvorin /… A great mix of Hanukkah music with orchestra, voice, and dance. Hanukkah Song Mashup - Dance Spectacular! - Elliot Dvorin / Key Tov Orchestra
Nefesh B’Nefesh Hanukkah Flash Mob Over 150 people came together on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem for the first ever flash mob… Nefesh B’Nefesh Hanukkah Flash Mob
Hanukkah Lovin' Michelle Citrin, listed on Time.com in its top ten list of New Jewish Rock Stars and on the… Hanukkah Lovin'
Story of Ruth The Biblical book of Ruth is a wonderful account of a Moabitess named Ruth. Story of Ruth
Shalom Sesame: Les Matzarables Shalom Sesame takes on the Broadway Musical! Join the Muppets as they search high and low for… Shalom Sesame: Les Matzarables
Grover Plants a Tree for Tu B'Shevat In this short video clip Sesame Street’s beloved blue monster Grover learns about Tu BiShvat… Grover Plants a Tree for Tu B'Shevat
Google Exodus - Passover movie Passover like you've never experienced before Google Exodus - Passover movie
Shalom Sesame: Noam's Sukkot Noam's etrog farm: a short documentary about a boy in Israel who visits an etrog farm and helps… Shalom Sesame: Noam's Sukkot
Kermit the Frog - Purim Parody Kermit the Frog asks a very profound question about Purim. Loving Parody of "Rainbow… Kermit the Frog - Purim Parody