The Adventure Of Shalom

The Adventure Of Shalom

Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. I know it, you know it, and most of the world knows the word shalom.

Then there’s terrorism, political upheaval, and crimes of every kind devastating human kind! To know the meaning of shalom and personally experience it is another thing. 

How do we find peace? I don’t think that we can find it on our own. Oh, we can have fleeting moments of peace, but it’s never truly lasting peace.

True peace comes from God alone, the Creator of the universe. He says, “Peace I give you, My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives…”

That’s where we really find it. I love it!

I’ve read a lot in my life, Plato, Socrates, and Freud. You name it, I’ve read it! They could never, never give you the shalom that God alone can give. You want it, He can deliver. You don’t believe it? Ask Him!

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