To Your Health Water Water Jul 14, 2016 Unknown Our bodies are more than 50% water. It is not surprising that water holds a…
Articles Daniel 2 Oct 22, 2022 Jeff Zaremsky Back around the year 587BCE the Jewish people were taken captive by the…
Tikun Olam Time To Know: Israeli Innovation Improves… Mar 02, 2018 S.A. TV Here's an Israeli innovation from one of the world's most literate nations,…
Drasha Habakkuk Chapter 2. Just Shall Live by Faith Jul 28, 2016 Shalom Adventure Video Drasha. Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky's free sermon based on Habakkuk Chapter 2.
Articles Technically - I'm Still Wrong Feb 17, 2017 Lee Bigg “And Abraham journeyed from there to the South, and dwelt between Kadesh and…
Prose Good Hearing, Bad Speaking Mar 06, 2021 Lee Bigg You may have heard the saying, “some things are easier said than done.”
Samuel Jacobson Samuel Srolovic Jacobson was born in Lithuania in a loving Orthodox Jewish home. He received… Samuel Jacobson
Is God's Law My Creed? In the 1980’s Gerry was selling religious literature door to door. Is God's Law My Creed?
Noah's Bubbe Kathleen Moore is an RN, a mental health counselor, specializing in the field of grief and… Noah's Bubbe
Rachmonis Rachmonis (the Yiddish word for mercy and pity) I remember coming home from school many times… Rachmonis
The Workman's Circle When I was growing up in my Jewish world I would often hear about a Jewish organization called… The Workman's Circle
Magnus - Israel's Search and Rescue Expert This video will introduce you to Yechiel “Hilik” Magnus, Israel’s top search and rescue expert… Magnus - Israel's Search and Rescue Expert
Snails and Spinach When Dona was a young girl she was supposed to cook some spinach for her father because he had… Snails and Spinach
IDF Israeli Soldier Saves Palestinian Girl A true story of Palestinian family that got hit by stone from Palestinian terrorist while… IDF Israeli Soldier Saves Palestinian Girl
Cream Cheese vs Peanut Butter Since I was a kid I loved cream cheese. I also loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My… Cream Cheese vs Peanut Butter
Belev Echad Belev Echad (“One Heart” in Hebrew) is an organization that brings wounded Israeli Defense… Belev Echad
Meet Bat-El Gatterer, First Orthodox Jewish Female Olympian Virtually meet Bat-El Gatterer, the first ever Orthodox Jewish Female Olympian in the history… Meet Bat-El Gatterer, First Orthodox Jewish Female Olympian
Bolster Your Memory One special evening many years ago a small group of family members began sharing memorized… Bolster Your Memory
Bubbe’s Zalts Bubbe’s Zalts (Yiddish for the word salt) On a scale of one to ten, my mother was a ten. Mama… Bubbe’s Zalts
Lone Soldier Elan Bielski on Grandfather Zus Bielski Watch the story of the one of the Bielski brothers who fought against the Nazi regime. Lone Soldier Elan Bielski on Grandfather Zus Bielski
Safe in Iraq Arthur Branner personally recounted his call to Iraq to be chaplain of a battalion for one year. Safe in Iraq
The Request In embarrassment and shame I slowly approached the throne of the Holy One. I keenly felt the… The Request
Barbara Gurien Barbara Gurien was working as an ultrasound technologist when she went on a date with a Jewish… Barbara Gurien
Confessions of a Jewish Mother - How My Son Ruined My Life James Baraz's mother tells how her son ruined her life. Confessions of a Jewish Mother - How My Son Ruined My Life