

During my mission’s trip I began a journalism project at the children’s orphanage in Mexicali Mexico, which is also referred to as the mission.

On my third day serving at the orphanage I met a stunningly beautiful little baby girl by the name of Gloria, and she came with a very unique story. Gloria was rescued by the mission after discovering that she was for sale for one-hundred American dollars by her father near a grocery store parking lot. At the time, Gloria was only three months old.

The mission rescued this baby girl and brought her to their orphanage to be cared for, and she was given the name of Gloria because of God's grace. This little baby was very happy, smiley and full of life. She had chubby little cheeks and thick black hair. But Gloria struggled with chronic upper respiratory and ear infections that required special care for her to survive. If the mission had not found her in time, then she would not have survived for very long.

Gloria lived in a small hacienda on the mission’s property with round the clock care providers and foster parents that came to the mission caring for children like Gloria. Over the months she grew strong and independent enough to live at the orphanage with the other children, and Gloria grew by leaps and bounds into a happy well- adjusted young lady ready to face the world.

Each of these beautiful children came with a story of struggle to survive against all odds. Some of these children were found in a dumpster, abandoned because they had polio and lost their ability to walk, while others lost their parents through a tragic situation. Usually when these children arrived at the orphanage they were terrified and emotionally broken. This was one of the most painful things for me to watch, because I was once one of these children, afraid to face my future alone without a family to love me. So I understood the fear and uncertainty in their eyes, and my heart ached for them.

Over the passing months many of these children’s lives began to change, they became happy, well-adjusted children who giggled and laughed a lot. And it was wonderful to watch how God used caring people to help these children move forward in their lives, discovering their potential and God's purpose for them, regardless of suffering through tragedy and loss.

Jeremiah 29:11-12 Tells us that God has a purpose: For I know the plans that I have for you.” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.

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