The Mitzvah

The Mitzvah

It was one of those mornings when the multitude of chores was overwhelming. There were several things that I had to do, and one of them was folding clothes; I needed help. I asked my oldest daughter if she would help me. She said, "Sure, I'll help you. I can see that there's no way you can fold all of that laundry without help." She can fold clothes and organize things perfectly.

I'm amazed because when I see her room, usually in such disarray, I think that my daughter is an alien being. (Just kidding!) I told her when she finished how much I appreciated her help, and that she did a real mitzvah for her father. She said, "What's a mitzvah?" I told her that, according to Judaism, a mitzvah was a good deed. I also told her that, according to the ancient rabbis, if you performed 617 mitzvahs you were considered righteous. She remarked, "That's great! How many more do I have left?"

Picture originally found here

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