Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus

Have you watched this video yet? If you haven’t, dive right in, and then let us talk.

We have endured these scenes through various social media outlets, including the news, supporting and giving circulation to an ever-increasing number of pro-Palestinian groups.  How did you feel after watching, what came up inside you?  My initial reaction was that trying to stop violence with violence and intimidation made no sense at all.  In essence, you (violent protestors) have become the very thing you are fighting against and inadvertently expanded the fight to other regions.  It is the first time in my lifetime that I have seen the oppressor become the one who people identify with and support. I, however, did not want to fall into the same trap of just hearing information, saying I agree, and continuing that narrative without searching for truth in it all.  I decided I did not know enough about the Pro-Palestinian movement and what they believe, what is actually historically correct, and Israel’s history (at least after the bible was written).  So here is what I learned and how it has changed the way I view this video and many other similar current situations.  

I had learned about the Ottoman Empire in school and how they owned almost all of the land around the Mediterranean Sea.  After Europe allied together and pushed them back their land was carved up.  So, before World War I no region/nation ever had the name Palestine. The terminology of Western and Eastern Palestine appeared universally in 19th and early 20th-century literature. From this came The Britain Mandate for Palestine in 1922.  At this time this region was generally referred to as  Palestine which included Jews, Arabs, Druze, Christians, and other sojourners.  They all lived together and all were called Palestinians.  The term Palestinian did not refer to any one people group based on race, nationality, religion or culture, or any other demographic. Even today there are Jews and Arabs alike with passports issued by Britain that say they are Palestinians.  On the flip side, Israel has been named as a nation from Biblical times to the present.  Let's just set aside for a moment the religious argument that Jerusalem belongs to Israel because God gave it to them.  Historically Israel have on and off ruled that area for millennia.  Their temple was in Jerusalem where all their major festivals took place.  Jerusalem has been the capital of only one nation in all of history, and that is of Israel. Not to mention that in 1948 both the Arabs and Jews had an opportunity to claim independence from Britain, but it was the Israelis who gained their independence in 1948.  In their independence, they invited the Arabs to continue to live with them in peace.  Arabs have not been able to live in peace with them because of their Muslim religion which requires everyone to follow, or you are an infidel worthy of death.  Therefore, Arabs have, according to history, attacked Jews starting in 1929, this is referred to as the Hebron Massacre. There have been many other attacks since then, bringing us to the most current attack/massacre of October 2023.  On all occasions, the Israelis defended themselves and protected their people, but they have always come back and tried to negotiate a peaceful cohabitation between Arabs and Jews.  Israel has always allowed the Muslims the right to their religious practices, even allowing their oppressors to worship in a Mosque on top of their Jewish temple.  However, the Muslims have not allowed the Jewish people to use their temple to celebrate their religious festivals.  

Unfortunately, the narrative has been flipped, and the Israelis have been called the oppressors, the murderers, and very few people have fact-checked the information that was spoken to them. It is easy to trust someone in authority. It is also natural to trust a professor and take all of what they say at face value.  I did that once, and I was used as an instrument of destruction instead of love and unity.  These students don’t understand that there are men who have made them part of their plan to kill all Jews.  They use propaganda to influence innocent otherwise caring people like these students to isolate and destroy Jewish people.  They are but a weapon in the arsenal of terrorists like Hamas.  Stop and think. Are there currently any Palestinians being held, being starved, being raped, being beaten, being killed?  No, but currently Jews and Americans are being held, being starved, being raped, being beaten, and being killed.  Stop looking at people as Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Black, White, Hispanic, or Asian, and start seeing them as human beings who all need respect and have value.  They are all valuable to God.  

I have only scratched the surface here on whether Israel has the right to be a nation state.  This video describes different areas that define anti-Semitism.  Referring to Jews and those who support them and Israel as being racists. It seems that a popular way to defame people is to call them racist.  Again, an area where the truth has been flipped.  Israel has been and is still a place where people of various backgrounds and religions can go.  However, some of the people calling for a new nation to be formed called Palestine would not even be allowed to visit Palestine and would even be killed.  It goes back to the fact that the Muslim religion does not allow for differences.  Don’t take my word for it, read the Koran for yourself.  Don’t take what people say as truth, verify.  How silly would it feel to help someone win a war and then find out you are now an enemy of the state in that country.  The other points mentioned in this video were genocide, other wars, and human rights violations. Why are they not spoken about with as much passion?  Why are there very few protests, to stop countries who are currently trying to invade other countries to claim land, or to boycott countries that commit human rights violations?  China did it when they killed students for protesting, and Russia is killing Ukrainians. How about the U.S. when we took land from the Native Americans (they were definitely here first).  These are all areas you should take the time and research before you decide on what side you are on.

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