Frustrated Plans

Frustrated Plans

Frustrated Plans. Ezra 4.
Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.

Imagine, you move to a neighborhood, and you find that you have some nice neighbors who want to help you out. They are willing to cut your grass and to work together on some projects.


Frustrated Plans. Ezra 4.
Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.

Imagine, you move to a neighborhood, and you find that you have some nice neighbors who want to help you out. They are willing to cut your grass and to work together on some projects. They come and say, “We are here to help and we are happy to help…”

Something similar happened when nice neighbors wanted to help Jews who were rebuilding the Temple. However, for some reasons Zerubbabel’s reaction to that was not positive.

Learn with Rabbi Zaremsky if those nice neighbors of Judah were real or fake friends, why Jews did not accept their help and how lessons of Ezra 4 can improve our life.

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