PM Congressional Speech

PM Congressional Speech

Some people in congress have threatened to boycott Israel's Prime Minister's speech to congress because of pressure from the White House. VP Biden will not attend the speech.

Why would anyone not want to hear all reliable opinions on this vitally important issue of Iran's drive for nuclear weapons?

Iran has repeatedly said they want to wipe Israel off of the map. A nuclear Iran could be a threat to the US and the rest of the world, but especially to Israel. Why shouldn't Israel have a right to be heard (especially since they were invited) regarding a matter that could decide if there was another Holocaust or not?

If you agree, tell your congressional representative to attend.

Copy this sentence:
As my congressional representative I expect you to attend Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to congress on March 3, 2015. It is irresponsible to not want everyone to hear every reliable opinion on this vitally important topic.

Paste the above sentence in an e-mail:
To find the e-mail address of your US House representative go here:
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Send this to your friends so they can contact their representatives.

Picture originally found here

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