Drasha Pictures of Messiah Dec 02, 2020 Shalom Adventure Pictures of Messiah. Overview of the Book of Zechariah.Sermon by Messianic…
Tikun Olam Kitchen Gardening Feb 11, 2022 Shalom Adventure Having a kitchen garden does not mean that you have to live on acres and acres…
Shoah Adolf Eichmann Exhibit at Holocaust Museum St… Apr 12, 2018 Erin Parfet Born near Solingen, Germany to a Protestant family, Adolf Eichmann, nicknamed…
Traditions Netilat Yadayim - Ritual Hand Washing Aug 29, 2020 Unknown "Netilat yadayim" is the Jewish word depicting the religious washing of hand…
Parasha Parashat Chaye-Sarah Nov 07, 2023 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Chaya Sarah Genesis 23:1 - 25:18. Haftarah for the Week:…
Holy Days Articles Is Purim Just Another Halloween? Mar 16, 2024 Jeffrey Alan Purim is not a Jewish Halloween. Although we traditionally dress up in costumes…
We're on the Border Just before crossing the Jordan River to claim the promised land of Canaan the Israelites… We're on the Border
Deborah and Jael Have you ever heard this song? "Most blessed among women is Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite;… Deborah and Jael
Yielding Mind and Body How could it be possible that three young captives from Israel were allowed to live, and were… Yielding Mind and Body
Building God's Temple When Israel returned from exile they rebuilt the temple, but there were mixed feeling about it… Building God's Temple
Ichabod During a war between the Philistines and Israel the Ark of God, with the 10 Commandments in it,… Ichabod
A Harvest of Blessing "There was a relative of Naomi's husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech.… A Harvest of Blessing
El Shaddai The name El Shaddai, God Almighty, is one of the most awesome titles for the everlasting God of… El Shaddai
The Tabernacle - Why do the Wicked Prosper? As the title suggests, we often wonder why the wicked in this world prosper. The Tabernacle - Why do the Wicked Prosper?
Why Are Women on Their Monthly Cycle Unclean The Torah states “Whenever a woman has her menstrual period, she will be ceremonially unclean… Why Are Women on Their Monthly Cycle Unclean
Melchizadek At a time when Abraham's nephew lot was living in the city of Sodom a war took place among the… Melchizadek
Faith for Manna When Israel was in the wilderness they were concerned about God providing food, “because they… Faith for Manna
Who is Really Israel? Do you have to be born from the literal ancestry of Abraham to be considered a part of Israel?… Who is Really Israel?
Joseph son of Jacob Jacob, whom God later renamed Israel, had 12 children. These 12 children and their descendants… Joseph son of Jacob
What Does it Cost to be Faithful? The ancient story of Job in the Bible has encouraged many men and women throughout the ages.… What Does it Cost to be Faithful?
Joseph Jacob, whom GOD later renamed Israel had 12 children. These 12 children and their descendants… Joseph
Daniel 2 Back around the year 587BCE the Jewish people were taken captive by the Babylonians. During… Daniel 2