Articles Faith for Manna Mar 25, 2019 Lee Bigg When Israel was in the wilderness they were concerned about God providing food,…
Gelt Amazing Financial Facts Dec 16, 2023 Gordon Botting DrPH, CHES, CFC Have you ever wondered what percentage of Americans can cover unexpected…
Recipes Faster No Knead Bread Mar 17, 2022 S.A. TV For home-made bread lovers: The Jenny Can Cook channel demonstrates from start…
Israel Now Three Families - Two Israeli and One Arab -… Aug 09, 2021 S.A. TV A cross-kidney transplant was performed recently between three families in…
Drasha Mordechai Exalted Mar 18, 2021 Shalom Adventure Mordechai Exalted. Esther 8.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Zeff Zaremsky.
Grafted Contrary What Faith Looks Like Feb 13, 2021 Verna-Lee Small Some conscientious believers really want to know what being right with God…
Circumcision - Jewish Tradition Male circumcision is a well known Jewish tradition. Avraham (Abraham) was called by God and… Circumcision - Jewish Tradition
Adopt a Jewish Mother Rent a son! In Japan people actually hire someone to be a “father” or “friend” for a day. Adopt a Jewish Mother
Seinfeld: Jewish Food You will get a real laugh from this excerpt from the show Seinfeld. Seinfeld: Jewish Food
Mezuzah A mezuzah is a little box that is nailed to the doorpost of a Jewish home. The Hebrew word… Mezuzah
The Shochet-Jewish Tradition Have you ever wondered what a shochet is? It is known that Torah observant believers keep a… The Shochet-Jewish Tradition
History of the Mezuzah in 60 seconds Why do we hang a mezuzah? Find out in 60 seconds. History of the Mezuzah in 60 seconds
What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral This is part of a short series on personal conduct at a Jewish funeral. What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral
Minyan In many Jewish synagogues a minyan is required for public prayer times. A minyan is a group of… Minyan
Burial vs Cremation: A Jewish Perspective A discussion of traditional versus current trends regarding burial is presented. Burial vs Cremation: A Jewish Perspective
Jewish Foods: More Than Just Matzo Ball Soup Talking about Jewish food is both mouth-wateringly delicious and just a little complicated. Jewish Foods: More Than Just Matzo Ball Soup
Tfillin T'fillin, or phylacteries, are square black boxes traditionally worn on the head and arm. Tfillin
Archie Bunker Does Shabbat Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton as Archie and Edith Bunker from All in the Family sit down… Archie Bunker Does Shabbat
Mezuzah on the Doorpost If you visit a Jewish home one thing that you may see is a mezuzah. A mezuzah is a small… Mezuzah on the Doorpost
Mikvah-Jewish Tradition A mikvah, מקווה, is an immersion pool that is used for ceremonial cleansing. Mikvah-Jewish Tradition
Jewish Wedding A chupah is a large covering that is often used at weddings to cover the bride and groom. Jewish Wedding
Havdallah Havdallah means “separation” and is a service used to separate the holiness of the Sabbath from… Havdallah
Pointing to the Torah When reading sometimes it is helpful to have something to guide us so we don’t skip a line of… Pointing to the Torah
Second Day of Festivals Once the Beth Din had evidence that the new moon had been seen, (see FIXING THE CALENDAR) a new… Second Day of Festivals