The Bar Mitzvah Boys

The Bar Mitzvah Boys

Bobby and I were friends for as long as I can remember. We not only had a bond of close friendship, but we respected one another. Bobby had a terrific hands on knowledge of many things that eluded me, and I was the thinker. It was a great combination!

Some years went by and we lost touch with each other. I found out when we made contact again, that he'd fallen in love with a young woman that he was "gah, gah" about!

When he gained some balance in the relationship, he and I had some of our great talks again. We were both Jewish and had never had a Bar Mitzvah. We both felt the need, but we were in our twenties and didn't know what to do. We knew an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi and went to him with our dilemma. He said that he saw nothing wrong with our having a Bar Mitzvah in our twenties. He said that we'd have a more mature understanding. We agreed, and asked him for some ideas. He gave us a list of books to study.

Great, right! Well, it turned out that Bobby married his heart throb, and I was in the midst of a relationship. We never did have our Bar Mitzvah.

Picture: David Shankbone; from here


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