The Workman's Circle

The Workman's Circle

When I was growing up in my Jewish world I would often hear about a Jewish organization called The Workmen's Circle. I thought that I'd share a little of the history of this fine Jewish organization:

 "The Workmen's Circlewas officially founded in September of 1900. This functioned as a labor, political, and cultural organization for immigrating Jews. Many of these Jews joined this organization because they wanted to improve the deplorable conditions of the sweatshops where they worked (usually factories that had poor working conditions). Others wanted to promote within the organization the socialist working-class views they retained from their homeland. By 1915, the number of members had grown to almost 50,000. The Workmen's Circle continues to provide reduced-cost medical care to those who need it, as well as promoting Jewish folk culture, such as Yiddish lessons."

Picture originally found here

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