Cruise Control

Cruise Control

I am used to traveling pretty far distances for work but one thing I never really used while driving was cruise control. I knew it was there but I didn’t want to experiment setting it while trying to get somewhere quickly and I didn’t care enough to bother when I had spare time. But one day I finally figured out how to set the cruise control option and I loved it.

It was great just being about to sit back and steer the car and not have to worry about your legs getting tired or being sore when driving after a workout the next day. But one thing I soon noticed was that when the cruise control was on I tended to cruise mentally as well and pay less attention to what was going on around me than I did when I was manually maintaining my speed.

I learned after a few errors that just because cruise control made driving easier it didn’t mean staying alive would be easier too. And I started wondering how the cruise control option might apply to life for a believer in Yeshua. I think sometimes when we have everything planned out and we don’t have to worry about where money to pay the next bill is coming from we can become complacent in our relationship with God and assume that just because one part of life is easy other areas of life such as prayer and Bible studies can be placed on a lower priority than before.

But this is a mistake. Being blessed isn’t bad, just as having cruise control for a long trip isn’t bad. What is bad is when important areas of spiritual life are neglected when other things are going well. We shouldn’t lessen our spiritual diligence when things are going well we should thank God even more and watch our relationship with God more closely.

The Torah says “When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day.” Deuteronomy 8:10-11. Be careful not to forget God while cruising through life. Pay close attention to your relationship with God.

Picture originally found here

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