Chinese Food on Christmas

Jewish people enjoying Chinese food on Christmas Day has a long history not only in the United States and Canada, but throughout the diaspora.

Chinese restaurant owners seem to have no complaints about this tradition either; as one New York Chinese restaurant owner reported, “I think on that day we do more business than many restaurants do in three months. We serve all day long; we stay open all day long.”

So while the gentiles are enjoying elaborate Christmas meals, here is a song capturing Jewish culinary preferences for this particular day on the calendar.

Santa doesn’t come down my chimney
Or leave presents under my tree
He’s made his list and he’s checked it twice
But nowhere on there was me.
It’s not that I’ve been naughty
I’m a real good kid, I swear
There’s just something you should know about me
Something I’d like to share
I eat Chinese food on Christmas
Go to the movie theater, too
‘Cause there just ain’t much else to do on Christmas
When you’re a Jew
When you’re out with your family
Getting ready for the big day
I’m at home playing dreidel
And eating latkes that Bubbe made
No I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas
It’s not that I don’t like snow (I love snow)
It’s just if we were all snowed in on Christmas
I’d have no place to go.
We eat Chinese food on Christmas
Go to the movie theater, too
‘Cause there just ain’t much else to do on Christmas
When you’re a Jew

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