Tashlich Breads

Tashlich Breads

On Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), there is a ceremony called Tashlich. Traditionally we go to the ocean (or a stream or river), pray, and then throw bread crumbs onto the water, for the fish can symbolically eat their sins.

You ask what kind of breadcrumbs should we throw?

For ordinary sins, use . . . White Bread
For exotic sins . . . French Bread
For particularly dark sins . . . Pumpernickel
For complex sins . . . Multigrain
For twisted sins . . . Pretzel
For tasteless sins . . . Rice Cakes
For sins of indecision . . . Waffles
For sins committed in haste . . . Matzo
For substance abuse/marijuana . . . Stoned Wheat
For substance abuse/heavy drugs . . . Poppy Seed
For committing arson . . . Toast
For timidity . . . Milk Toast
For being ill tempered/sulky . . . Sourdough
For silliness . . . Banana Nut Bread
For being holier than thou . . . Bagels
For overeating . . . stuffing
For gambling . . . Fortune Cookies
For telling bad jokes . . . Corn Bread

Remember, you don't have to show your crumbs to anyone. For those who require a wide selection of crumbs, we have prepackaged Tashlich Mix available in three grades (Tashlich Lite, Medium and Industrial Strength).

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