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Purim Grogger

This is one of our green crafts that reuse household objects and turn them into symbolic or…
Purim Grogger

Porkless Passover Toast

Introducing our exclusive brand new Shalom Adventure cartoon series Porkless created by the…
Porkless Passover Toast
Wearing White for Prayers

Why White on Yom Kippur

People like to wear things that to show how special holidays are to them. The same is true…
Why White on Yom Kippur

Sounding the Shofar

For those of you who have attended, a Rosh HaShanah service (or watched one here on the Shalom…
Sounding the Shofar

New Year of the Trees

Happy Tu BeShvat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees. Tu BeShevat 2021 begins in the evening of…
New Year of the Trees
Image celebrating Shavuot: 10 Commandments on 2 stone tablets


Shavuot means weeks and it is one of the feasts of the LORD mentioned in the Torah.
Tashlich Breads

Tashlich Breads

On Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), there is a ceremony called Tashlich. Traditionally we go to…
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Sukkot the Forgotten Holy Day

Sukkot the Forgotten Holy Day

Many non-Jews are familiar with Passover, Chanukah, and the High Holy Day days of Rosh Hashanah…
Sukkot the Forgotten Holy Day

Celebrating Rosh Hashana with Food

Food is an important part of the celebration of Jewish festivals. Not only does the preparation…
Celebrating Rosh Hashana with Food
Destruction of the Temple

Tisha B'Av

Tisha B’Av means the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av and is traditionally a day of fasting…
Tisha B'Av

Lime-in-the-Coconut Macaroons

Lime zest is a fresh addition to macaroons, and a Microplane is our zesting tool of choice. If…
Lime-in-the-Coconut Macaroons

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