Potato and Apple Latkes (Pancakes)

Potato and Apple Latkes (Pancakes)

Potato and Apple Pancakes We topped these potato-apple latkes (pancakes) with a dollop of sour cream but they're also delicious with unsweetened applesauce.

   1 large uncooked Yukon gold potato(es), peeled   
   1 medium fresh apple(s), such as Pink Lady, peeled, cored, quartered   
 4 tsp dehydrated onion flakes   
   1 large egg(s), beaten   
 1/4 tsp table salt   
 1/4 tsp black pepper   
 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon   
 3 spray(s) cooking spray   
   1/2 cup(s) fat free sour cream


• Shred potato and apple into a medium-size bowl using the fine-holes of a box grater or shredder; stir in onion flakes. Press out as much liquid as you can by hand; drain liquid. Set aside mixture for 1 minute and press out liquid again; drain again. Stir in egg, salt, pepper and cinnamon.
• Coat a very large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium-high heat. Drop potato mixture by tablespoonfuls into skillet and flatten each with the back of a spoon to make twenty 2-inch latkes. Leave at least 1 inch between latkes; you will have to do this in batches.
• Cook latkes until golden on first side, about 3 minutes. Gently flip latkes with a spatula and cook until other side is go

Originally found here



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