Sitting Pretty. Dry Bones

Sitting Pretty. Dry Bones

Dry Bones Sukkot

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The third holy convocation of the High Holy Days is Sukkot, also known as the Feast of…

Dip Your Apple...

Jewish tradition requires us to dip our apple in honey on Rosh Hashana!
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Matzo Brei

Matzo BreiServes 4 to 6I decided to veganize my mom's old-fashioned Jewish Matzo Brei recipe…
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10th plague of Egypt


The Passover is a very important Holy Day in Jewish history. The Passover begins the day before…

The Sixth Plague: Boils

Exo 9:8 And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the…
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matza ball soup

Matza Ball Soup

Matzah Ball soup is a Passover favorite that can be enjoyed any time of year. Passover…
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The Sukkah

The sukkah, a fragile hut built of branches and leaves, is the main feature of the Sukkot…
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Why White on Yom Kippur

People like to wear things that to show how special holidays are to them. The same is true…
Why White on Yom Kippur
Image celebrating Shavuot: 10 Commandments on 2 stone tablets


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Sukkot the Forgotten Holy Day

Sukkot the Forgotten Holy Day

Many non-Jews are familiar with Passover, Chanukah, and the High Holy Day days of Rosh Hashanah…
Sukkot the Forgotten Holy Day

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