Sitting Pretty. Dry Bones

Sitting Pretty. Dry Bones

Dry Bones Sukkot

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Passover Symbols

A traditional Passover Seder plate has a combination of a total of six items.
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Purim Grogger

This is one of our green crafts that reuse household objects and turn them into symbolic or…
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Matzoh Vegetable Stuffing

Matzoh can take many forms during the eight days of Passover: crushed into meal for baking or…
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Porkless Shavuot

Calculating the time it took to go from Egypt to Mount Sinai, it is most likely that Moses was…
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Image celebrating Shavuot: 10 Commandments on 2 stone tablets


Shavuot means weeks, and it is one of the feasts of the LORD mentioned in the Torah.
matza ball soup

Matza Ball Soup

Matzah Ball soup is a Passover favorite that can be enjoyed any time of year. Passover…
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Passover Broccoli Knish

Passover Broccoli Knish

Knish is one of the traditional Passover foods most of us have grown up with. They are always…
Passover Broccoli Knish

Passover Waffles

• 2 eggs separated• 3 Tablespoons oil• 1/2 cup buttermilk• 1/4 cup sugar• 1/3 cup matzah cake…
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Water Immersion (Tevilah Mikveh)

Water Immersion (Tevilah Mikveh)

Water immersion (tevilah mikveh) ... repentance--and therefore forgiveness--is a predominant…
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The Eighth Plague: Locusts

Exo 10:3 And Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God…
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