Already Possible by Gauzy

Some of us may dream of futuristic innovations and this video will show some of what is already possible with Gauzy that you may not know about. Imagine a fridge that can turn transparent with just a touch. Think about how much power you could save if you can look to check what is inside your fridge without opening the door. You could see exactly where an item is before opening the door to avoid wasting cold air and check to make sure your shopping list is accurate. 

Imagine a touch screen window that would allow you to get quick privacy by using technology to suddenly create virtual blinds instead of having to manually adjust physical ones. This may seem like a small thing for some but considering how often my cat has broken the window blinds that were shut to satisfy his curiosity in regard to whatever is happening outside this could prevent the continual need for replacements. Along the same line of thinking another example of what is possible is being able to manually adjust how tinted your car windows are in real time. 

It is nice to be able to have some privacy but maybe you are not sure how much you would like how your vehicle would look with tinted windows or maybe you would only like to have it tinted sometimes. If you are on fence about if you want tinted windows or not this could be a good option because it would allow to adjust the windows how you would like without committing to any one look. There various things you can learn about in this video that you may think would be good options to have. 

But no matter how great of an imagination you may have the Bible says “But this is precisely what is written: God has prepared things for those who love him that no eye has seen, or ear has heard, or that haven’t crossed the mind of any human being. God has revealed these things to us through the Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-11. God has many surprises in store for us later, but what is greater than that, is the fact that it is possible to know God. Not just later, it is already possible to have a relationship with God and that is a wonderful thing you don’t have to wait for and you don’t need to buy anything to pray. 

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