UK Jewish Woman Awarded $24,500 Payout After Firm Snubs her Sabbath Observance

UK Jewish Worman Woman Awarded $24,500 Payout After Firm Snubs her Sabbath Observance

A 23-year-old Jewish woman in the U.K. was awarded £16,000 ($24,464) from a potential employer that turned down her application because she refused to work on the Jewish Sabbath.

After securing an interview Travel Jigsaw in Manchester, Auerlie Fhima received a letter from the firm telling her: "After careful consideration we cannot offer you a position at this time. We are still looking for people who are flexible enough to work Saturdays."

When the travel agent rejected reconsidering her for the job, Fhima took legal action and filed a lawsuit claiming indirect discrimination on the grounds of religion.

The court ordered Travel Jigsaw to pay Fhima £8,000 for loss and earnings, £7,500 for injury of feelings and £1,200 in fees, according to the British Daily Mail.

"I tried to accommodate them as much as I could. I understand it is a business, but I said I could change shifts and work round it. But they said I was not flexible and were not prepared to play around with the hours," said Fhima, according to the Daily Mail.

She said she had found a job working in a new company who accepted her observance of the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday, when religious Jews neither work nor handle money, among other traditions.

Originally found here

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