Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

A new set of Bible commentary on the Torah highlights the Parashah from the Torah, the Haftarah from the Tanak, and a portion from the second part of the Bible such as from the gospels or the epistles. The first two volumes are now available covering Genesis and Exodus.

Words are taken seriously within Judaism. Rabi Meir, a second-century Torah scribe, reportedly quoted Rabbi Ishmael as saying, “My son, be careful in your work, for it is the work of God; lest by omitting one letter or adding one letter the whole world could be destroyed.” Although the statement may be hyperbole, it makes an important point: words are powerful.This series of commentaries is all about words, and how we can best understand and interpret the words of Scripture. Dr. Elofer brings together the results of many years of study, and his unique perspective as a Jew who follows Yeshua. He examines the words of Scripture from different angles, compares them, discusses them, prays over them. This work is the result of decades of reading and study of Jewish commentaries about the Torah and the Nevi’im.

Either volume can be purchased for $25 each here.

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