Listen To This Steve Rees Psalm 51 Mar 04, 2023 S.A. TV Did you ever wonder what the psalms would sound like since they were originally…
Israel Now Israeli Tourism Ministry Reports Record… Jan 21, 2019 Erin Parfet Over 4,120,800 foreign tourists visited Israel in 2018, the Israeli Ministry of…
Prose Is God's Law My Creed? May 30, 2021 Leora Schmidt In the 1980’s Gerry was selling religious literature door to door.
Holy Days Articles Sounding the Shofar Sep 09, 2018 Galilee of the Nations For those of you who have attended, a Rosh HaShanah service (or watched one…
Drasha Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky's Sermon - TU B'SHEVAT Jan 21, 2016 Shalom Adventure Video Drasha. Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky's Free Sermon TU B'SHEVAT Palm Trees
Busting Myths About Jerusalem: The Real Old City Walls How old are the Old City Walls? Busting Myths About Jerusalem: The Real Old City Walls
Biblical Deniers Dealt Death Blow by Discovery of… Mockers have been around for centuries, since the Garden of Eden. Biblical Deniers Dealt Death Blow by Discovery of Joshua-Era Amulet
Capernaum The ancient city of Capernaum has become a well-known archaeological site for tourists visiting… Capernaum
Busting Myths about Jerusalem: The Real Marketplace This show goes higher up in the city of Jerusalem. Busting Myths about Jerusalem: The Real Marketplace
Betrothal and Marriage in the Time of the Bible How did people go about getting married in ancient Israel? Betrothal and Marriage in the Time of the Bible
Seal of Isaiah Found in Jerusalem A clay seal with the name Isaiah on it was found just 10 feet away from where a seal of King… Seal of Isaiah Found in Jerusalem
Israeli Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy… Israeli archaeologists: King Hezekiah really did destroy idols. Israeli Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy Idols
Dates Israel has made some amazing finds. Seeds from ancient dates were found around archaeological… Dates
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near… In 2021 Israeli archaologists discovered an ornate 2,000 year old building. Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near Jerusalem's Western Wall
Hiking and Finding in Israel When hiking you might be thinking you may be lucky if you see a deer, a pretty bird, or a nice… Hiking and Finding in Israel
The City of Gath The city of Gath (1 Sam. 6:17) was one of the main cities of the Philistines who were enemies… The City of Gath
Proof for an Ancient Israel How can we know the Bible is real? Have you entertained this thought? I have but not for myself. Proof for an Ancient Israel
Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone Interesting information on this largest of all stones of the Temple wall. Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone
Busting Myths About Jerusalem: The Real Tower of David Is the tower of David built by this King? Busting Myths About Jerusalem: The Real Tower of David
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 'Very Exciting' Seals… Israeli archaeologists excavating the Givati Parking Lot in Jerusalem’s City of David National… Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 'Very Exciting' Seals Pointing Directly to the Bible
Davidic Dynasty Symbol Found in Jerusalem Davidic dynasty symbol found in Jerusalem: Once in a lifetime discovery. Davidic Dynasty Symbol Found in Jerusalem
Archaeologists Dig Up the Bible at Ancient City of Shiloh Dr. Scott Stripling, head of the current excavation at biblical Shiloh, loves how the Bible… Archaeologists Dig Up the Bible at Ancient City of Shiloh
How Did King David Conquer Jerusalem? Discover how David and his men conquered the Jebusites. How Did King David Conquer Jerusalem?