Israel Now 68 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Israel Sep 24, 2016 S.A. TV 68 reasons to celebrate Israel: diversity, hi tech, fun, delicious snacks, and…
Holy Days Videos Popeye Purim Feb 25, 2021 Shalom Adventure Popeye Purim.Join us for an enjoyable and fun Popeye Purim play as Popeye…
Parasha Parashat Nitzavim Sep 20, 2022 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Netzavim Vayalech Deuteronomy 29:9 - 30:20Haftarah for…
Tikun Olam Incredible Inventions that will Save Your Life Aug 12, 2022 S.A. TV It's amazing what man has been able to invent.
Listen To This You're So Vain - A Modern Parody Mar 02, 2023 Barbara Carly Simon’s song You’re so Vain could be about almost anyone. However, this…
Holy Days Articles What is a Dreidel Really? Dec 01, 2023 Lee Bigg Dreidels are often used to play a game during Hanukkah to win chocolate coins…
Thrilling Finds have been Uncovered in the Judean Desert The Israeli Antiquities Authority has initiated an aggressive campaign to find and protect the… Thrilling Finds have been Uncovered in the Judean Desert
First Ever Sanhedrin Era Remains Uncovered in Central Israel The Israeli Antiquities Authority reported that remains dating back to the time of the… First Ever Sanhedrin Era Remains Uncovered in Central Israel
Minorities in the IDF From all different backgrounds, all are one family in the IDF Minorities in the IDF
Gideon's Name Found in Israel An amazing archeological discovery in Israel was just unearthed, a piece of pottery with the… Gideon's Name Found in Israel
The Holiest Toilet in the World Ze’ev Orenstein narrates details of the siege of Jerusalem by the army of King Nebuchadnezzar. The Holiest Toilet in the World
The Elah Valley In this video Luke Chandler takes us up to the archeological site of Tel Khirbet Qeiyafa. From… The Elah Valley
Secrets Beneath the Western Wall What secrets lie beneath the Western Wall? Secrets Beneath the Western Wall
What did People in Jerusalem Eat 1,000 Years Ago? Are you curious to find out what Jerusalemites ate back 1,000 years ago? What did People in Jerusalem Eat 1,000 Years Ago?
Everything About the Eastern Cardo The Cardo was the main street in Jerusalem during the Roman-Byzantine period. Everything About the Eastern Cardo
Ancient Underwater Treasure Discovered off the Coast of… Marine archaeologists diving off the coast of Caesarea discovered several significant artifacts. Ancient Underwater Treasure Discovered off the Coast of Israel
Hazor Take a virtual of the ancient site Tel Hazor (תל חצור) in this video clip. The site is located… Hazor
The Exodus Explored - Wheel in the Sand? Did Pharoah's and his chariots really get swallowed up in the Red Sea? The Exodus Explored - Wheel in the Sand?
In Depth Tour of the City of David Yishai Fleisher, managing editor of Jewish and Doron Spielman, senior director City… In Depth Tour of the City of David
1,800 Year Old Hebrew Inscription Uncovered in Galilee The artifact was discovered during renovations at a synagogue. 1,800 Year Old Hebrew Inscription Uncovered in Galilee
Kidron Valley Adventure - City of David, Ancient Jerusalem Tour guides escort the viewer on a short visit to ancient burial sites in the Kidron Valley. Kidron Valley Adventure - City of David, Ancient Jerusalem
Gold Earring Dating Back Over 2,000 Years Discovered in the… Jerusalem of Gold: The spectacular gold earring, shaped like a horned animal, dates back to the… Gold Earring Dating Back Over 2,000 Years Discovered in the City of David
The Golden Bell - City of David This video was posted in 2012. In the video, archaeologist Dr. Eli Shukron discusses finds from… The Golden Bell - City of David
Shiloh - The Very First Capital of Israel Did you know that Shiloh was the capital of the Jewish Kingdom for 369 years? When King David… Shiloh - The Very First Capital of Israel