This is an amazing video taking us on a journey from Egypt across the real Red Sea crossing to the real Mt. Sinai, both discovered by Ron Wyatt back in the 1980s.
Join David Guzik and a few other pastors and tour guide Andrew Jones to the encampment before the Red Sea where the pillar of fire stood between the Children of Israel and Pharaoh with the Egyptian army, then across to the other side of the Red Sea, to springs of water, possibly Elim, to a huge split rock & remains of water erosion which could be the place of Rephidim where God had Moses strike the rock pouring water forth, to ancient encampments with chiseled marble stones which could possibly be the altar Moses built, to what seem to be animal pens.
The group then climbs the interesting mountain with a blackened top on it. Along the way the group stopped at a plateau, possibly the place where Moses brought the 70 elders of Israel, and to a small cave, the only one known in the whole area, possibly the site that Elijah stayed at when he fled to Mt. Sinai. They viewed and touched the uniquely blackened stones at the top of the mountain which give the impression of being baked by the fire of the Lord when He came down upon Mt. Sinai.
From a vantage point coming down off Mt Sinai they can see, and then visit, a large pile of rocks with carvings of people and cows, possibly the site of Aaron’s golden calf. Then just a few miles from this site, outside what would have been the yearlong camp site of the Children of Israel, is a very large ancient cemetery where there are thousands of graves, possibly the burying site of the people who worshipped the golden calf and who rebelled against God and Moses.
To have all of these unique features all in an area that matches the Biblical description is astounding. All of this was first theorized and discovered by Ron Wyatt before the technology we have today, but confirmed by many people, such as David Guzik, Andrew Jones, and many others.