The New Israeli Technology Protecting Aircraft from Missile Threat

The New Israeli Technology Protecting Aircraft from Missile Threat

Bird Aerosystems, an Israeli based technology firm, launched novel anti-missile technology for airliners and bizliners, including ACJ320 and Boeing BBJ aircraft, known as AeroShield Pods just in the last couple years. These anti-aircraft missiles are now an integral part of Israel’s security, with abilities to protect commercial, military, and business jets alike, Intelligent Aerospace reported. After being premiered at an air show in Paris, AeroShield Pods are now slowly being incorporated into routine European aviation security endeavors.

This groundbreaking mechanization, touting a zero false alarm rate, was engineered with infrared counter-measure technology, five sensors with capabilities of detecting air-to-air or surface-to-air missile launches within a certain radius, and has flare dispensers and other fancy high-tech components that help divert and reroute heat-seeking missiles and other projectiles away from the aircraft.

Bird Aerosystems is expected to launch another novel multi-sensor electro-optic security device, OSCAR, which stands for Ocean Surveillance Control and Reconnaissance, later this month at this year’s version of the Paris Air Show. The technology is anticipated to help hinder illegal fishing operations, oil theft, smuggling, trade issues, and facilitate other survelliance and monitoring of the seas.


Written by Erin Parfet








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