"We Want" - 8th Day

"We Want" Performed by: 8th Day

Produced and composed by: Shmuel Marcus and Bentzi Marcus.

Lyrics by: Shmuel Marcus.

Arranged by: Bentzi Marcus.

Music Production by: Yoel Weiss.

Music Video Production by: JGV Studios.

Cover Design by: Yechiel Landman.

Mastererd by: Mike Marsh.

We Want

(We want Moshiach now)
They say you’re נותן לשכוי בינה
You made the rooster smart
They say You’re רופא חולים
You can heal my broken heart 
They say you’re זוקף כפופים
You’ll help me to stand tall
They say You’re סומך נופלים
You’ll catch me if I fall
They say You’re בוחר בשירי זמרה
You just might like this song
‘Say You’re מוחל וסולח
Forgive me if I’m wrong 
שומע תפילה
You hear unspoken prayers somehow
מצמיח קרן ישועה
You know that we want him now
We want we want we want
We want moshiach now!
They say You’re נותן ליעף כוח
My strength to carry on
They say You’re פוקח עורים
So let me see what’s goin on
They say You’re מלביש ערומים
You dress me up real fine
They say You’re מתיר אסורים
You cut me loose in time
שומע תפילה
You hear unspoken prayers somehow
מצמיח קרן ישועה
You know that we want him now
We want moshiach now!

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