Adon Olam


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Elohim Natan Lecha Bematana

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Elohim Natan Lecha Bematana

Sukkot Song

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Psalm 51 set to music

Steve Rees Psalm 51

Did you ever wonder what the psalms would sound like since they were originally written as…
Steve Rees Psalm 51
Title image: green tree leaves for the song Chai Ha Shem

Chai Hashem

This is a beautiful song by Steven McConnell. 
Chai Hashem

1 John 4:8

Watch a peaceful movie as you think about God's love for you.
1 John 4:8


Shehekianu. Jonathan Settel

Steve Rees - Psalm 136

Steve Rees has taken the psalms of David and set them to music.
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Miriam's Song

Miriam's Song

Debbie Friedman was a song writer and cantor. This is one of the songs she wrote for Passover.
Miriam's Song

Ezekiel 34:16

God's promises are true & faithful.
Ezekiel 34:16


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"A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a…
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Koolulam - One Day

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Israeli Jews sing and pray for "one day" when all people will say that they don't want to fight…
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