Defending Yeshua in the IDF

Defending Yeshua in the IDF

Although it is well known that there are some very mixed feelings about Messianic Jews, those who serve in the Israeli Defense Forces don’t seem to have faced as much negativity from their peers as one might expect.

Kehila News Israel did a survey of Messianic Jews who served in the Israeli Defense Forces and it was said over 64% responded positively to the discloser of their faith while 22% were indifferent and only 14% responded negatively toward them. (Kehila News Israel Staff, 2016)

This may be an indication that Messianic Judaism is beginning to be seen as a legitimate faith that is rooted in Yeshua as the Messiah, rather than some strange form of trickery by non Torah observant Christians to lure Jews away from the Torah, as many seem to assume due to some similarities in beliefs of Messianic Judaism and mainstream Christianity  although there are marked differences in the application of the Bible.

Many who claimed to be Christians made life very difficult for Jews who didn’t through senseless persecution as retaliation, so understandably there is at times suspicions regarding this and Jews who do accept Yeshua as the Messiah often face rejection as well. But God didn’t want things to turnout this way. Yeshua, who was Jewish Himself, said, “No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.” John 10:18 and “But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!” Matthew 5:44.

This survey may provide a spark of hope that it is possible for all Jews, regardless of belief, to support and be supported in Israel. Maybe the old wounds can be healed and all people can get along better in the future.

Reference: Kehila News Israel Staff (2016) “Messianic Soldiers in the Israeli Army: Bolder than Ever about Their Faith” Kehila News Israel received from

Picture originally found here

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