Righteousness by Faith

Righteousness by Faith – Which One?

There are many interpretations to what Righteousness by Faith is. Some seem to teach it as if it was Righteousness by Wishful Thinking. Others as if it is Righteousness by Trying Really Hard. Often theologians throw other words into the mix such as sanctification, justification, imputed, or imparted, making it even harder to understand. But it really can be simple to understand, and even easier to experience.


Historically, the understanding of Righteousness by Faith is what spurred on the Protestant Reformation, but it predates that all the way back to Biblical times, all the way back to Abraham. Genesis 15:6 says, Abram “believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.”


Rightly understood, the truth of Righteousness by Faith will totally change a life from one that struggles to do right, to one that joyfully and naturally does what is right.

God not only declares His people righteous, but He also makes them righteous. He makes us righteous not sometime in the future, but now.

This takes place not by self-will or by wishful thinking on some too-good-to-be-true future event. Rather, the change that takes place -- which empowers us and transforms us to joyfully and naturally do what is right (righteousness) -- comes about by faith in what God has already done for us, and what He is currently doing in us.

Making It Simple

Rabbi Jeff once again takes what looks hard and explains it in a very simple to understand way (because he can’t do much more than that - LOL). Join Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky as he explains how you can experience Righteousness by Faith.

Come along for the Adventure, you will stay for the Shalom – ShalomAdventure.com.

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