Nathan Saved Bathsheba's Life

Nathan Saved Bathsheba's Life

Adonijah is a person that not many seem familiar with. He was actually the fourth son of David the king of Israel and the half brother of Solomon, born to Haggith - one of David’s wives.

King David vowed that Solomon the son of Bathsheba would be King in his place, but while David was still living his son Adonijah decided to claim the throne and hosted celebration in his own honor as king of Israel without his father’s knowledge and did not invite Solomon, King David, Zadok the priest, or Nathan the prophet to the party for obvious reasons, as he really had no business declaring himself anything. Since Solomon was supposed to be king this plan would put him and his mother in the bad position of being in rebellion against the new king if they tried to carry out the wishes of the last king in giving Solomon the throne.

“So Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, ‘Have you not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith has become king, and David our lord does not know it? Come, please, let me now give you advice, that you may save your own life and the life of your son Solomon. Go immediately to King David and say to him, “Did you not, my lord, O king, swear to your maidservant, saying, ‘Assuredly your son Solomon shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne? Why then has Adonijah become king?’” Then, while you are still talking there with the king, I also will come in after you and confirm your words.’” 1 Kings 1:11-14

Nathan, the same man who rebuked David for his sins against her family and referred to her as a lamb taken and feasted on out of selfishness rather than a willing participant in adultery for her own gain, stood up for her again. She didn’t push for her son to be king for her own honor but out of obedience to the man of God. After she followed his advice David made a decree for Solomon to be acknowledged as the rightful king of Israel. And the men of God Nathan and Jonathan the son of the priest went to the feast of Adonijah to give him the news. At first Adonijah thought his presence would be in his favor because of Jonathan’s position as son of the priest, but was not. When he said that Solomon had been made king Adonijah and those who were feasting with him freaked out. “So all the guests who were with Adonijah were afraid, and arose, and each one went his way.” 1 Kings 1:49

And there is a very good lesson for us in this. David said Solomon would be king, yet Adonijah tried to make himself king and those who wanted to be in his favor attended the party but when that it was clear they were on the wrong side they abandoned him. Never connect yourself to others with the motive of personal gain or use the promise of such to attract people. When your situation changes their loyalty will also, and you cannot depend on people like that. Solomon said perhaps due to his own experience “Like one who ties his stone to the sling is he who gives honor to a fool.” Proverbs 26:8 “Like snow in summer or rain at harvest-time, so honor for a fool is out of place.” Proverbs 26:1

Another thing we can learn is the importance of listening to the man of God. We might not be friends with a prophet on Facebook but we can have access to many prophets by reading the Bible, and like Nathan looked out for and sympathized with Bathsheba, God gave us the words of the prophets because he cares for us. We should always listen to their counsel. And remember to never run ahead of others to promote yourself. “If you have been foolish in exalting yourself, Or if you have devised evil, put your hand on your mouth.” Proverbs 30:32 And if you are planning to do something you wouldn’t want to invite Moses, Nathan, or any other Godly person to join you in doing, it is probably wrong and as such you should reconsider doing it.

Picture originally found here

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