The Power of the Book

The Power of the Book

A few years ago, in the confusion of transferring multiple pieces of luggage from one plane to another, the preacher lost one very important item.

He remembered setting his Bible case on the counter and felt sure it had been stolen.

In a few weeks the preacher returned to the United States without the specially treasured Bible he had received when he was ordained to the ministry. For several years its whereabouts remained a mystery. Then a native minister held a public preaching series in the Central American city where the Bible had disappeared.

As the principles of God’s word took root in the lives of those who listened they began to make changes. One man came forward with a confession. He produced the lost Bible case and admitted that he had taken it from the counter at the airport. He had held it until the Spirit of God convicted him. He didn’t want any sin of stealing to come between him and being right with the Lord.

One command in God’s ten commandments states, “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15). The young man had learned that he could not have a clear conscience with stolen items in his possession. The words “Let him that stole steal no more” from the Book he had stolen gave the new believer impetus to change his lifestyle and treasure honesty. (see Ephesians 4:28.)

Picture originally found here

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