
More From Shoah

Italy and the Holocaust

The story of how Elizabeth Bettina's grandparents' small village in Campagna, Italy helped save…
Italy and the Holocaust

Edith Goldberg

Edith Goldberg spent her early life in Teschenmoschel, a small village near Kaiserslautern,…
Edith Goldberg
Photograph: Kindertransport

Rescue of Children

During the Holocaust, countless Jewish organizations and individuals worldwide did what they…
Rescue of Children

Children During the Holocaust

Children were especially vulnerable in the era of the Holocaust. The Nazis advocated killing…
Children During the Holocaust

NIcholas Winton Honored

Sir Nicholas Winton saved the lives of hundreds of young Jewish people.
NIcholas Winton Honored


Despite the indifference of most Europeans and the collaboration of others in the murder of…

Anne Frank - The Only Known Video

Perhaps one of the most well-known persons who perished in the Holocaust is Anne Frank, due to…
Anne Frank - The Only Known Video
Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem

Almost 12 years ago, Youtuber Nina N (@NinaNowa) posted a video documenting her visit to Yad…
Yad Vashem

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