Bahrain's Jews Worship in Public for First Time in Decades

Bahrain's Jews Worship in Public for First Time in Decades

Completion of renovations to Bahrain’s only synagogue is discussed.


Abraham David Nonoo, the unofficial leader of Bahrain’s Jewish community undertook the renovation of the synagogue out of his own money despite financial offers of assistance from Bahrain’s Crown Prince. 

The tiny Arab island in the Persian Gulf has a Jewish population of refugees who fled from Iraq and Iran in the 19th century.  Subsequent to the 1947 UN partition plan for Palestine Arab mobs rioted and looted the old synagogue and razed it to the ground.

Another synagogue was built, but fell into disuse.  Mr. Nonoo recently undertook the task of renovating the building, which is now open for public use.

Written by Richard J Paracka


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