Holy Days Videos Tu B'Shvat - in Machane Yehuda - In Jerusalem Feb 08, 2025 Verna-Lee Small This video is about getting ready for the Jewish holiday Tu B'Shvat in…
Holy Days Videos Fat Face/Blank Space (Taylor Swift Chanukah… Nov 22, 2021 S.A. TV This video is produced by the Singer family and is a Chanukah parody of a…
Genesis Not by Accident Periodical Cicadas Mar 18, 2023 Juanita Kretschmar Some creatures take years before they make a sound; in fact that's what some…
Israel Now What it's Like Living Under Rocket Fire in… Jun 06, 2024 Jeff Zaremsky In Northern Israel, far from Gaza, tens of thousands of Israelis are refugees…
Israel Now The Unexpected Soldier in the IDF Feb 01, 2016 Shalom Adventure Israel is a diverse country, with people from all over the world and from all…
Exodus to the Red Sea - the Discoveries of Ron Wyatt The Exodus of the children of Israel is much debated but when rightly understood, the evidence… Exodus to the Red Sea - the Discoveries of Ron Wyatt
Archaeologists Find New Section of Ancient Jerusalem Israeli archaeologists are constantly finding new sites that confirm ancient Israel's presence… Archaeologists Find New Section of Ancient Jerusalem
Wildlife of the Holy Land: The Elephant i24NEWS Correspondent Erica Jackson delves into Israel's history and its wildlife; in this… Wildlife of the Holy Land: The Elephant
1500 Year Old Church Discovered in Ramat Beit Shemesh A 1,500-year-old byzantine-era church with spectacular multicolored mosaic floors with flower,… 1500 Year Old Church Discovered in Ramat Beit Shemesh
Jerusalem Day 2021 - A Tale of Two Coins Zev Orenstein, director of International Affairs in the City of David, discusses two bronze… Jerusalem Day 2021 - A Tale of Two Coins
Thrilling Finds have been Uncovered in the Judean Desert The Israeli Antiquities Authority has initiated an aggressive campaign to find and protect the… Thrilling Finds have been Uncovered in the Judean Desert
Ancient Underwater Treasure Discovered off the Coast of… Marine archaeologists diving off the coast of Caesarea discovered several significant artifacts. Ancient Underwater Treasure Discovered off the Coast of Israel
Busting Myths about Jerusalem: The Real Marketplace This show goes higher up in the city of Jerusalem. Busting Myths about Jerusalem: The Real Marketplace
Minorities in the IDF From all different backgrounds, all are one family in the IDF Minorities in the IDF
Fascinating History of Jerusalem's Tower of David A look at the Tower of David in Jerusalem Fascinating History of Jerusalem's Tower of David
2000 Year Old Mikveh in Western Wall Tunnel A large and impressive ritual bath (miqve) from the end of the Second Temple period was… 2000 Year Old Mikveh in Western Wall Tunnel
The City of Gath The city of Gath (1 Sam. 6:17) was one of the main cities of the Philistines who were enemies… The City of Gath
Evidence of Ancient Israel Discovered in Egypt The Land of Israel has been referred to by many different names throughout its history- Canaan,… Evidence of Ancient Israel Discovered in Egypt
First Temple Beka Weight Unearthed in Jerusalem Sifting… A stone weight was unearthed from the foundation stones of the Western Wall and was probably… First Temple Beka Weight Unearthed in Jerusalem Sifting Project
Capernaum The ancient city of Capernaum has become a well-known archaeological site for tourists visiting… Capernaum
5,000 Year Old City, Largest in Ancient Israel, Exposed in… Excavations at an archaeological research site, En Esur (Ein Asawir), located near Wadi Ara… 5,000 Year Old City, Largest in Ancient Israel, Exposed in Sharon Valley
Rare 2,000 Year Old Tyrian Shekel Found in Jerusalem's Old… Rare 2,000 year old Tyrian shekel was found in Jerusalem's Old City. Rare 2,000 Year Old Tyrian Shekel Found in Jerusalem's Old City
First Sentence Ever Written in Canaanite Language… An ivory comb dating back to 1700 BCE was found inscribed with a plea to eradicate lice, in the… First Sentence Ever Written in Canaanite Language Discovered in Israel