Articles Faith for Manna Mar 25, 2019 Lee Bigg When Israel was in the wilderness they were concerned about God providing food,…
Drasha Thanksgiving Nov 15, 2018 Shalom Adventure Thanksgiving. Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Traditions The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should Know May 08, 2020 Michael The Yiddish language is a wonderful source of rich expressions, especially…
Shoah Wannsee: The Road to the Final Solution Apr 25, 2022 Janet Levy They met on January 20, 1942, at a luxury villa on park-like grounds…
Holy Days Videos How to Make Popular Rosh Hashanah Recipes Sep 29, 2024 Richard Paracka Recipes and cooking instructions are offered for Challah bread, white fish and…
Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone Interesting information on this largest of all stones of the Temple wall. Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone
Archaeologists Find 1,500 Year-Old Winery in Israel Have you heard of the city of Yavne in Israel? Archaeologists Find 1,500 Year-Old Winery in Israel
Israeli Archeologits Unveil 2,700 Year-Old "Governor Seal"… A small round 2,700 year old clay seal, also known as a docket, was excavated by the Israel… Israeli Archeologits Unveil 2,700 Year-Old "Governor Seal" Found in Jerusalem
Fascinating History of Jerusalem's Tower of David A look at the Tower of David in Jerusalem Fascinating History of Jerusalem's Tower of David
The Discovery of the Lost Fortress of Ai The Discovery of the Lost Fortress of Ai Presenter: Bryant Wood, Director of Research at… The Discovery of the Lost Fortress of Ai
Hezekiah's Tunnel This video depicts Jerusalem's ordeal under the threat of Assyrian siege and Hezekiah's… Hezekiah's Tunnel
The Exodus Explored - Wheel in the Sand? Did Pharoah's and his chariots really get swallowed up in the Red Sea? The Exodus Explored - Wheel in the Sand?
Most Amazing Archaeological Finds From Israel Seven of the most amazing archaelogical finds ever recorded in Israel are documented in the… Most Amazing Archaeological Finds From Israel
Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark 4,000 year old clay tablet contains strikingly similar details to the Biblical account of the… Archaeologists: Ancient Writings Confirm Noah's Ark
Ancient Scroll Dicovered in 1970 Read for the First Time Ancient Scroll Dicovered in 1970 Read for the First Time
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near… In 2021 Israeli archaologists discovered an ornate 2,000 year old building. Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near Jerusalem's Western Wall
Minorities in the IDF From all different backgrounds, all are one family in the IDF Minorities in the IDF
Important Ancient Inscription Unearthed Near the Damascus… A 1500 year old mosaic floor, with a Greek inscription, was discovered near the Damascus Gate… Important Ancient Inscription Unearthed Near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem
Tabernacle - The Manna When Moses and the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, God performed something… Tabernacle - The Manna
Exclusive Perfume of Cleopatra and the Temple Found in… The first ever depiction of the balm of Gilead, the perfume used by Cleopatra and by the Temple… Exclusive Perfume of Cleopatra and the Temple Found in Jerusalem
Betrothal and Marriage in the Time of the Bible How did people go about getting married in ancient Israel? Betrothal and Marriage in the Time of the Bible
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 'Very Exciting' Seals… Israeli archaeologists excavating the Givati Parking Lot in Jerusalem’s City of David National… Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 'Very Exciting' Seals Pointing Directly to the Bible