The Advantages of Composting

The Advantages of Composting


Composting is a wonderful way to save money, eat healthier, and do something extra for the Earth.

It is not for everybody, but composting is quite a simple process. Those who have children can use it as an opportunity to teach their children about organic gardening and environmental issues while spending fun, quality time with them. You can compost many items, such as annual fall leaves and scraps from last night's dinner. You can build many types of compost bins. You can use something as simple as pliable wire fencing or purchase a bin from any number of companies on the market.

Compost is decomposed, organic matter that is used as fertilizer. It is a vital component of organic gardening. Compost is nature and the Earth's way of recycling waste. Composting creates fertilizer rich in necessary nutrients naturally. It also increases the soils ability to retain water. Compost can aide in plant's ability to combat disease and insects.

Composted fertilizer not only produces fruits and vegetables which are healthier to eat, it is healthiest for the plants and produces vibrant, thriving flowers, shrubs, ornamental plants, and even lawns. Organic compost does not contain hazardous chemicals, only those you put into it. You do not have to worry about feeding your children herbicides or pesticides. One of the best things about composting and organic gardening is when small children come to visit the garden. Children enjoy picking plump, fresh fruit to eat. It is still a good idea to rinse the fruits and vegetables, but children will be children. It is inevitable that they will end up eating some without rinsing them. An organic gardener who composts does not have to worry that they may be consuming something harmful.

Eco conscious people want to pass these ideas and values on to our children. This is rightfully so since we are borrowing this Earth from them. It is easy to incorporate many different lessons into composting with children. Many parents designate chores to their children in hopes of teaching them responsibility. These chores can be combined with composting. The scraps from racking up the dishes are an excellent additive to a compost pile. Leaves raked in the fall are another useful additive to compost. A number of children enjoy helping parents with important tasks. Composting turns ordinary, boring chores into a lesson in protecting the environment. It is extremely vital we teach our children how important our environment is. Composting will give them a chance to do something to ensure a healthier Earth for their future.

There are a number of options when starting your compost pile. Some people like to just have a spot in the yard for it and do not use any type of container. This may be a good idea for small compost pile for children to create and maintain. Those who like building projects can build their own inexpensively, using 2x4s and wire fence that is easily pliable. A very simple and extremely inexpensive compost bin can even be made from a plastic trash can. There are options for those who do not wish to build or just do not have the time. There are countless companies that sell commercial compost bins, varying widely in size, type, and price.


Originally from here | Pictures by normanack from here and by Ksd5 from here

Posted on Shalom Adventure by: Verna-Lee Small

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