El Shaddai

El Shaddai

The name El Shaddai, God Almighty, is one of the most awesome titles for the everlasting God of Heaven. El Shaddai is not a name that should ever be used lightly.

El Shaddai declares God as the most powerful being in the universe. It declares God alone as ruler. With all this authority, I am very thankful that He is full of love and mercy, justice and truth. He also knows what is best for us. He sees the end from the beginning, He knows all our thoughts and He even knows us better than we know ourselves.

God knows the true desires of our hearts and He is constantly working to bring about what is best for us in the long run. It is a good thing that God alone is Almighty.  God is called El Shaddai only 7 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Yet He is referred to as the Almighty many times.

In the book of Job alone, GOD is referred to as the ALMIGHTY 31 times. God told Moses that He appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob by the name of God Almighty, but by His name Jehovah He was not known to them. 

Does God appear to you as God Almighty? If we really believed that God loves us and that He is all-mighty, then we would never be fearful, discouraged, or depressed. When Isaac sent Jacob off with a blessing he said, "God Almighty, El Shaddai, bless you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, that you may be a multitude of people.” may GOD bless you also with this blessing.

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