In Those Days

In Those Days

Many will claim his name.
In those days.

And lead some sheep astray.
In those days

You will hear of wars and rumors.
But do not be alarmed.
For all this must take place.
But the end is still to come.

In those days
Old men will dream dreams.
In those days
Young men will see visions.
In those days.
The sun will turn to darkness.
And the moon will turn to blood.
Before the coming of the great
And dreadful day of God.
In those days.

In those days.
The child will turn against his father.
In those days.
And brother against brother.
In those days.
Believers will be hated.
Put to death in His name.
But the ones who stand firm.
In the end they will be saved.
In those days.

Picture originally found here

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