Drasha Why Do We Do What We Do? Nov 07, 2022 Shalom Adventure Why Do We Do What We Do?Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Gelt Thrifty Lady Aug 31, 2020 Verna-Lee Small Okay ladies how can we save money on stuff? Guys don't have as many options in…
Drasha Depressed People of the Bible. Naomi – Bitter… Dec 29, 2021 Shalom Adventure Depressed People of the Bible. Naomi – Bitter Grief.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi…
Parasha Parashat Balak Jul 17, 2024 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Balak Numbers 22: 2 - 25:9 Haftarah for the Week: Micah…
Holy Days Videos Passover Songs Mashup - Dance Spectacular -… Mar 31, 2023 S.A. TV Check out this “Passover Songs Mashup” by the Key Tov Orchestra:
Beyond Secret Tears I was 4 years old and my brother was 5-1/2 years old when we were first separated from our… Beyond Secret Tears
I Lived Through Kristallnacht Eve Kugler's family lost everything in the 1938 Nazi pogrom of Kristallnacht. I Lived Through Kristallnacht
Kristallnacht - The Great Moral test the World Failed On the night of 9 November 1938, it became open. The destruction of European Jewry had begun… Kristallnacht - The Great Moral test the World Failed
The Secret Student Resistance to Hitler The White Rose, a secret student resistance group, consisted of a small number of friends, most… The Secret Student Resistance to Hitler
Surveys Show Shocking Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in Europe… How much do you know about the Holocaust? Surveys Show Shocking Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in Europe & North America
The Legacy of the Bielski Brothers When we think of the holocaust we think of the death of 6 million Jewish people, many of them… The Legacy of the Bielski Brothers
Sol Urbach - Saved by Oscar Schindler Holocaust survivor Sol Urbach remembers Oscar Schindler, who was granted the honorific title… Sol Urbach - Saved by Oscar Schindler
Christian Teacher Saving Lives of Jews Jane Haining was a rural farmer’s daughter from Dumfriesshire, Scotland who excelled in foreign… Christian Teacher Saving Lives of Jews
Israel Honors Chiune Sempo Sugihara for Saving Jews Israel named one of its streets after Chiune Sempo Sugihara. Chiune was a Japanese diplomat who… Israel Honors Chiune Sempo Sugihara for Saving Jews
Before the Death Camps: Hitler's Hidden Holocaust Before the death camps there were the killing fields - mass graves of executed men, women, and… Before the Death Camps: Hitler's Hidden Holocaust
Whose Child are You? Holocaust survivor Josef Herschel tells of the horrific events of World War II and how his… Whose Child are You?
Holocaust Survivor's Home Burnt in Arson Attack Arsonist burns down holocaust survivor's home Holocaust Survivor's Home Burnt in Arson Attack
Dr Michal Majercik Janka-Hetty Fisch of Bratislava was seven years old in 1939 when Slovakia became an… Dr Michal Majercik
Holocaust Remembrance "It should not be forgotten. There was no reason for what was done to the people in this world." Holocaust Remembrance
Gisella Perl Gisella Perl was born into a Jewish family in Hungary in 1907, and aspired to medical school… Gisella Perl
A Survivor's Story, in Another Dimension Pinchas Gutter sat in an armchair surrounded by hundreds of LED lights. A Survivor's Story, in Another Dimension
Oprah Interviews Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz Back in 2006, the Oprah Winfrey Network honored the 70th anniversary of the Holocaust by… Oprah Interviews Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz
U.S. & Israeli Military Bands Surprise Holocaust Survivor 75 years ago today, the US Armed Forces liberated the Nazi concentration camp Dachau. Today is… U.S. & Israeli Military Bands Surprise Holocaust Survivor