Yom Kippur by Steve McConnell

This beautiful song by Steve McConnell, released in his 1998 album HaMoedim, captures and reflects much of the beautiful solemnity and holiness of the Yom Kippur season.

Yom Kippur

Holy One, can I walk with You like Abraham?
Could it be that El Shaddai is a friend to man?
Would You say those words to me, the words You told him?
Holy One, can a man like me be called Your friend?
Al tirah, al tirah, Anochi magen-lahch, sekarcha harbeh meod
Fear not, fear not, for I am Your shield
Your reward is very great.
Holy One, how can I approach Your mercy seat?
Sacrifice, an offering seems so incomplete
So I dream of atonement behind this curtain
Holy One, will I ever be certain?
Al tirah, al tirah, Anochi magen-lahch, sekarcha harbeh meod
Fear not, fear not, for I am Your shield
Your reward is very great.
Holy One, when I reached for You, You took my hand and spoke to me
O Holy One, now, I understand
Hineh El Yeshuati, I’ve seen salvation
Holy One, in the sacrifice of Your only Son.
Al tirah, al tirah, Anochi magen-lahch, sekarcha harbeh meod
Fear not, fear not, for I am Your shield
Your reward is very great.

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