Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

"Shemini Atzeret” is an often forgotten occasion, and refers to a special one day celebration after Sukkot that focuses on the establishment of Torah as a central aspect of our lives in Jewish culture based on select messages in Numbers and Leviticus.

"Shemini Atzeret” is an often forgotten occasion, and refers to a special one day celebration after Sukkot that focuses on the establishment of Torah as a central aspect of our lives in Jewish culture based on select messages in Numbers and Leviticus. Outside of the Land of Israel, the holiday gains an extra day, and takes on a different name: Simchat Torah.

Sukkot has technically concluded, so people will no longer be waving their lulavs or etrogs. Shemini Atazeret is still a joyful time however, and often treated as an unofficial extension of Sukkot by some, though prayers are also incorporated for rain (Geshem). People may still eat their meals together in the sukkahs on this day, and the memorial (Yizkor) prayer is often recited.

Simchat Torah, the unofficial second day in the diaspora, is a time of praising and dancing for the beautiful Torah that our Lord has blessed us with. In the Land of Israel, sometimes these two holidays get condensed into one day even though they are technically different celebrations. This is the time of year that the annual Torah reading cycle is concluded, and a new Torah reading cycle begins.

Written by Erin Parfet

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