For Such a Time as This (Esther's Song)

For Such a Time as This

Music & lyrics written by Shawna Edwards and Linda Urquhart

Illustrated by Darryl Quinn

Singers: Jane Lemon, Alivia Lemon, Sadie Hull, Sydney Adamson, Andee Rentschler, Cambria Hasler, Brinley Hasler, Jenna Brady, Ainsley Brady, and Hallie Norton

Arranged by: Daniel Blomberg

Piano: Daniel Blomberg

Mixed & mastered at Noisebox Studios

Long ago there lived a very faithful soul
A woman who was brave & bold
And Esther was her name
She hear a plan created by a wicked man
To kill the people of her land
Upon a coming day
She rose to say, “O let us humbly fast and pray
That the king will keep us safe
And let our nation live.”
She spoke the truth though she would be in danger too
For she was sent from God, she knew
For such a time as this.
Oh Esther stood before the king with bold, unshaken faith
And with the help of God, she saved her nation that day.
And now we’ll rise and say, “We’re children of the promised day,
Called of God to share our faith, to tell the world He lives.” ,
Oh, we’ll speak the truth, and shine His light in all we do,
For we believe He sent us too
For such a time as this

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