Esther's Roar - A Purim Parody


The Book of Esther is only one of two books in the entire Bible to be named after a female, the other being the Book of Ruth. This book is a beautifully crafted depiction of a young Jewish woman’s plight to save her people from an evil plan.

Jewish people worldwide even today, thousands of years later, commemorate the Book of Esther, most likely inscribed between 460 and 331 BC, which depicts the impeding destruction of the Jewish people and God’s divine intervention to save the Jews each year at the Feast of Purim (Lots).

The story is set in Susa, the capital city of the Persian Empire, under the rulership of King Xerxes I. Jews previously exiled to and living in Persia at this time eventually had the option of returning to Jerusalem under Cyrus’ decree, but many chose to remain in Persia, including Esther and her family.

Through a series of events and decrees, Esther eventually faced tough decisions: does she remain quiet and complacent in her role as a Jewish queen of a Perisan king who doesn’t even realize she is Jewish, or does she risk her life to beg the king not to follow through with the plan of his evil righthand man (Haman) to murder the Jews? Does she speak up for truth and righteousness to defend her people from their deaths, or will she cave to the dark forces around her and protect her own life? Esther lived for a time such as this. Will we do similarly in our lives as God leads and calls us to? Are we ones to boldly answer God’s callings for our lives, or will we take the paths of least resistance and most comfort?

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Written by Erin Parfet

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