Esther - For Such a Time as This - I Will

Did For Such A Time As This – I WILL song get you thinking?  I sat and listened to it several times, and it brought up so much for me to ponder about life, circumstances, and my relationship with Yeshua.

The video is primarily about the story of Esther, divine providence in the Bible, and the festival of Purim, which is about celebrating the overthrow of power, jealousy, and treachery with wisdom and courage, leading to a victorious rescue. 

I know, now you have to read the Book of Esther in the Bible to hear that juicy tale. I think after you read it and take time to talk to Yeshua and ponder your life, you can, too, think of times when struggles for power, jealousy, and maybe even treachery have affected your life or are affecting your life. Perhaps this Purim we can take the time to surrender to Yeshua’s plan and divine providence.  We can ask Yeshua to use us, for us to surrender our will for his will.  

Yeshua can give us wisdom in our own situations and circumstances to see the opportunities where we can show courage and stand for others. We can be an Esther or a Mordecai amongst the Hamans of this world.  Let’s celebrate Esther/Purim, and let us also make a commitment to God and say “I Will”!

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