Pop-up Hate Fests

Pop-up Hate Fests

The demonstrations against Israel, some of them violent, all of them verbally violent, all of them filled with anger and hatred, have nothing to do with their so called support for the so called Palestinian people.

The Arabs living in Judea, Samaria, and greater Israel have it better in many ways than most Arabs and most Muslims living almost anywhere else in the world. Poll after poll has shown that the Arabs living in Israel prefer to live in Jewish led Israel than in any future Muslim led Palestine. Israel has been very good to its enemies Hamas (the leaders of the people of Gaza) and the PLO (the leaders of the Arab people in Judea/Samaria), and other terrorist organizations. Israel pulled all of its citizens out of the area of Gaza many years ago, yet that did not satisfy Hamas. Israel gave the people of Gaza fully functional greenhouses, and buildings, which the people of Gaza pulled down and destroyed within hours. Israel has supplied water, gas, and electricity to Gaza, yet that has not been appreciated. Israel has allowed building materials to be brought into Gaza that, instead of being used to build homes and businesses, has been used to build tunnels to attack Israel and missiles to shoot at Israel. For many years Hamas has sent missiles into Israel trying to kill everyone and anyone they could. They have tunneled into Israel and have killed people. They have taken people captive and abused them. Yes, Israel has done what it can to protect its own people and has chosen, up to this point, to not meddle in Gaza’s internal affairs and eliminate them.

Gaza is a fully autonomous area politically. They have the freedom to live and do as they please. Israel has not ruled over them in any way for many years. What more do they want?

Hamas’ stated goal, in their own charter documents, is not to have a home for their people (which they have), but the annihilation of the Jewish people.  The analogy would be if Puerto Rico was shooting bombs at Florida continually, sending terrorists into Florida who were attempting to kill Floridians, and for Puerto Rico’s charter saying its goal is to kill all Americans. It is impossible to have peace under those conditions, no matter what Israel does.

But it has not just been Hamas in Gaza. There are other terrorist groups in Gaza who have the same sentiment as Hamas. When Hamas or the PLO kill a Jew many civilians come out into the street and celebrate, handing out candies to kids, naming streets after the terrorists, and the terrorist and their families receive money for the rest of their lives. The civilians in Gaza came out and celebrated on 9/11/01 when Muslim terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings killing civilians in NYC. Yes, there might be some people in Gaza who do not support the killing of Jews and other non-Muslims, but from polls and actions they are few and far between.

Not only does Hamas, Iran, Isis, and other Muslim terrorist organizations hate and openly call for the killing of Israel and the Jewish people, they hate and openly call for the killing of all non-Muslims (and at times other Muslims who are not like them).

Thus when non-Muslims in the USA, EU, or other places join in this so called support for the non-existent, never has been existent Palestine, they reveal that they don’t realize and don’t care that they are supporting those who would also kill them at the opportune time.

These same so called supporters of the so called Palestinians don’t care that the leaders of Syria killed the so called Palestinians who live in their country, they don’t care that UNRWA (the UN agency designated for finding new homes in new nations for the Arabs who chose to leave Israel in 1948 when the Arab nations attacked Israel) has never found a new home for any of these people. They don’t care that it is the UN and the other Arab nations that are holding them as pawns. They don’t care that Hamas uses children, women, babies, and civilians as human shields. They don’t care that the supplies and funds given to Gaza to be shared with the people for the purpose of builidng housing and making life better for the citizens is instead used for building tunnels and bombs to kill. They don’t care when Hamas shoots rockets towards Israel that fall short and kill so called Palestinians.

These so called supporters of the so called Palestinians show that they don’t really care about the people in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, but they only hate Jews.


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