Articles Elijah Feb 19, 2024 Jeff Zaremsky Around the year 900 BCE, when Israel was not following the Lord, God sent the…
Israel Now Israelis Use Technology to Make the Desert… Aug 20, 2015 Shalom Adventure Israelis Use Technology to Make the Desert Bloom
Parasha Parashat Chol Hamoed Pesach Apr 04, 2023 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Chol Hamoed Pesach. Overview We interrupt the reading of…
Drasha Grasping the Hem of a Jewish Garment Aug 27, 2020 Shalom Adventure Grasping the Hem of a Jewish Garment. Zechariah 9.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi…
Traditions Jewish Wedding Aug 16, 2019 Jeff Zaremsky A chupah is a large covering that is often used at weddings to cover the bride…
Michal Cotler-Wunsh's powerful speech at the UN Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism, gives a powerful speech at the… Michal Cotler-Wunsh's powerful speech at the UN
Jewish Division: Omar The Jewish community seems divided over how to respond to US congress person Ilhan Omar and her… Jewish Division: Omar
Shalom Adventure Survey We are inviting you to take our survey about improving Shalom Adventure Magazine. Shalom… Shalom Adventure Survey
Florida Recognizes Jerusalem as the "Eternal and Undivided"… While President Donald Trump last year made the bold step of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s… Florida Recognizes Jerusalem as the "Eternal and Undivided" Capital of Israel
Who's Responsible for the Surge in Anti-Semitism? Morton Klein of Zionist Organization of America has an interesting opinion on why these… Who's Responsible for the Surge in Anti-Semitism?
The Rabbi Who Spoke Out for Civil Rights in America Rabbi Joachim Prinz spoke to the crowd gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C. the day… The Rabbi Who Spoke Out for Civil Rights in America
Shalom Adventure TV Show Watch Shalom Adventure TV on any platform you enjoy. Shalom Adventure TV Show
History of the Jews in Five Minutes The Jewish Agency for Israel released an article stating that as of September 2021 there are… History of the Jews in Five Minutes
Watch This Kiddush HaShem Rabbi found $98,000 in desk he purchased on Craig's List Watch This Kiddush HaShem
Porkless COVID-19 Social Distancing My wife and I are practicing social distancing... Porkless COVID-19 Social Distancing
Start Tel Aviv – Where Global Entrepreneurs Meet Israel is known around the world as the Startup Nation. Tel Aviv is the business capital and a… Start Tel Aviv – Where Global Entrepreneurs Meet
Who is a Jew Survey Part 2 In our last survey we told a story of two people. David was raised Jewish and became a rabbi.… Who is a Jew Survey Part 2
Truman and Jacobson Before there was AIPAC, before there was Israel, one man’s friendship with President Truman… Truman and Jacobson
Amazing Growth The amazing video below shows the dramatic change in religious populations around the world… Amazing Growth
The Frank Sinatra - You May Not Have Known He used to joke that he knew Yiddish better than Italian, the language of his grandparents who… The Frank Sinatra - You May Not Have Known
Whose Jerusalem Timeless Quotes: "Jews! Unique nation of the world! For thousands of years the tyranny of the… Whose Jerusalem