Israel: Mother Nature's Son
Israel: Mother Nature's Son
Shalom Adventure
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The Siege of Jerusalem
The siege of Jerusalem in the year 70CE was a decisive event in the first Jewish-Roman War. It…
The Golden Bell - City of David
This video was posted in 2012. In the video, archaeologist Dr. Eli Shukron discusses finds from…
Jerusalem Tunnel Tour
Watch this fascination video to learn more about a tunnel under the Western Wall of the Temple…
Israeli Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy…
Israeli archaeologists: King Hezekiah really did destroy idols.
Hiking and Finding in Israel
When hiking you might be thinking you may be lucky if you see a deer, a pretty bird, or a nice…
The ancient city of Capernaum has become a well-known archaeological site for tourists visiting…
The Tabernacle
The Tabernacle is depicted with some of the most detailed description ever written on a…
The Missing Section of the First Temple Wall of Jerusalem…
Dr. Joe Uziel of the Israel Antiquities Authority and Syriologist Dr. Filip Yukosavovic discuss…
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1,800 Year Old Hebrew Inscription Uncovered in Galilee
The artifact was discovered during renovations at a synagogue.
Exclusive Perfume of Cleopatra and the Temple Found in…
The first ever depiction of the balm of Gilead, the perfume used by Cleopatra and by the Temple…
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The Brutal Assyrian Siege of Lachish
Lachish was an ancient Canaanite and Israelite city. It was the second largest city of the…
Archeologists Claim to Find King David's City
This video, posted in 2012, summarizes some 5 years of Dr. Yosef Garfinkel’s excavations on a…
Biblical Deniers Dealt Death Blow by Discovery of…
Mockers have been around for centuries, since the Garden of Eden.
Archaeologists Dig Up the Bible at Ancient City of Shiloh
Dr. Scott Stripling, head of the current excavation at biblical Shiloh, loves how the Bible…