Latma - Fake it Out (Israeli-Hamas Satire)

A musical satire video by Latma who has produced several such eye opening videos over the years.

The video depicts Hamas (and all the many philistine terrorists), joined by a South African politician (representing all the many anti-Semitic nations supporting terrorists against the Jewish nation Israel), an Iranian psychopath, and a young protestor (representing all the woke liberal airheads, who know nothing of facts or history, who parrot out Hamas’ talking points, even though the philistine terrorists would rape, mutilate, and kill them as quickly and as easily as they kill Jews), all gathered singing their song of hatred for the Jews. 

We are all going to have to take sides one day in this universal epic battle that began when Lucifer rebelled against God in heaven. Whose side will you and I stand with: satan and those who do his bidding, or God and His people? To sit on the sidelines and say or do nothing is a support to the most vocal side (which is usually the wrong side). 

“Silence in the face of evil is evil itself” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer).

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